Investigating the Advantages of Female Security Operatives in Dealing with Difficult Patrons

Investigating the Advantages of Female Security Operatives in Dealing with Difficult Patrons : When it comes to security personnel dealing with drunk customers, it turns out female operatives may indeed have the upper hand. A survey recently conducted by workingthedoors website, told us that 78% of respondents found women harder to deal with than men.

This article aims to explore why this might be the case, and look at some of the possible reasons behind this phenomenon.

The Aversion To Attacking Women

The survey also showed It’s possible that even some of the more loutish male patrons may be averse to attacking a woman, which makes sense in terms of primal instinct and ‘protection’. It could also be that male patrons do not see the presence of a female security operative as a physical challenge in the same way they would a male operative.

Hypothetically, if an aggressive male patron is escalating, or looking to ‘prove himself’ by attacking a DS, then his willingness to comply with the instructions of a female in a position of authority will make him appear weak and spineless (at least in his own eyes – and maybe the eyes of his companions). He may be tempted to escalate things further, even though it’s not in his best interests to do so.

Why being physically able is important

Physical ability is also an important factor when it comes to security personnel dealing with drunk customers, as sometimes a physical challenge can be the only way to de-escalate a situation. With that said, male and female operatives alike should always be trained in how to best handle difficult and confrontational customers.

It may be that male patrons are less willing to comply with the instructions of a female security operative due to them not seeing her as a challenge in the same way they would with a male. This could therefore lead to the patron feeling that escalating things further is his only option, and this likely won’t end well for anyone involved.

The Comfort Of Lashing Out At A Woman

We can’t discount the idea that some angry female patrons may feel more comfortable lashing out at another woman than they would at a man. After all, it could be seen as ‘less intimidating’ in terms of gender roles and dynamics. It could also be the case that women are less likely to respond with aggression than men, which again may be seen as an advantage when it comes to dealing with drunk customers.

Male Security Operatives?

We have yet to ask male security operatives whether they find male or female patrons harder to deal with. Until we do so, we can only offer educated guesswork in response.

It could be that male operatives find female patrons more difficult to deal with, due to their reluctance to comply or lack of physical strength. On the other hand, male patrons might be more willing to engage in physical confrontation with a male security operative than they would with a female one.


Female security personnel certainly seem to have an advantage when dealing with drunk customers, male or female. Whether it’s the aversion some loutish male patrons have to attacking a woman, or how an aggressive female patron might feel more comfortable lashing out at another woman than a man, there are numerous possible reasons behind this phenomenon.




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Investigating the Advantages of Female Security Operatives in Dealing with Difficult Patrons

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