The best route for you to take is the one that’s most important to you first. Perhaps you need to concentrate on one aspect first such as your diet and then later incorporate your body fitness, your mind fitness and your lifestyle fitness goals.
Your first goal is to make your own goals. What do you want to improve in your health and well being first? Write down your goals and keep them with you and place it throughout the house. Recruit a family member or friend to work with you, too. Improve your life one step, one healthy change at a time and you’ll reach your goals.
The reward is health, a happy life, one that’s full of fitness of your body and your mind and one that’s rewarding to you and to the rest of your family. It is a process worth working for, and soon you will see that isn’t anything worse than brushing your teeth and putting your clothes on each day!
I wish, Your Christmas may sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy.
Merry Christmas!