
From festivals in Florida to touring Dracula’s digs in Romania, we round up the best destinations to visit this October. As summer abandons Europe again this October, eke out the last of the rays and raves in Ibiza, where nightclubs will be going out with a bang for the winter break. When the party finally stops head to the island’s north.

Showing 15 of 1,532 Results

Little-Known Things Your iPhone Can Do

Little-Known Things Your iPhone Can Do : Think you know your iPhone well? You may change your mind as soon as you learn these little-known things the latest iPhones can do to boost your mood or simply help you in a fun way. We use our phones daily so knowing their secret capabilities is truly useful. Take a look at […]

Tips for Jogging with Your Dog

Tips for Jogging with Your Dog : Every responsible dog owner knows that it is essential to walk their four paw friend twice a day regardless of weather conditions, mood and well-being. Unfortunately, many people are always busy, and they often lack time to spend quality time with their pets. There is a way out of the situation. Just combine […]

Comfort Someone in Deep Grief

Comfort Someone in Deep Grief: No matter how emotionally strong we are, from time to time desperate situations pull the rug out from under us. In these darkest moments, it is important to meet a soul who will stand by your side and give emotional support. It is difficult to find the right words when the person is plunged into […]

Outdated Beauty Items

These beauty items were all the rage in 90s and early 2000s, but you do not need them these days. Firstly, they are not good for your skin. Secondly, you just waste your money on them. The worst thing is that it is impossible to imagine your makeup routine without them. But before you call me crazy, read on and […]

Fun Ways to Spend Rainy Days

Fun Ways to Spend Rainy Days : It was raining yesterday, it’s raining today, and the sun isn’t going to peep out from the clouds tomorrow. Rainy days are rarely a pleasure and most of us usually hate this time. Rainy days urge people to sit around doing nothing with a terrible bad mood. Call it an autosuggestion or seasonal […]

Types of Modern People and How to Approach Them

Many of us cannot become happy because not everyone can reach a mutual understanding with modern people. It is crucially important to achieve this point since all human beings exert a big influence on our lives. As parts of a society, we have to communicate with people on a regular basis. Modern society is full of people with different world […]

Tips for Caring for Your Ringlets

Hairstyles featuring ringlets have been around for centuries. Statues of ancient Greeks show ringlets on both women and men. Shirley Temple’s curly locks created a ringlet craze for children. Whether tightly wound or loose and wavy, ringlets continue to be popular. A full head of these curls or a few tendrils around the face can create a formal or informal […]

Where Busy Women Should Seek Help

Superwoman is a fictional character; however, the name is not a misnomer for most real-life women. Women have many labels: mother, wife, business associate, caregiver, and more. A revolving list of duties lies within each category. Oftentimes, pride and desire to be all and do all prevent women from acknowledging the need for help. For the sake of health and […]

Incredibly Useful Beach Hacks

If you spend a lot of time at the beach, you will definitely love the following beach hacks. They are not about applying sunscreen or drinking a lot of water. They are the little tricks that may help you avoid most of the beach woes. Let’s skip a long introduction and start discussing some of the best beach hacks ever. […]

Things to Stop Wearing When You Turn 30

Are you already 30 or nearly turning 30? There are plenty of changing events that might take place and it all starts with your wardrobe adjustments. At that age you have to play your part when it comes to a healthy wardrobe that suits your age. This entails doing away with any pieces of juvenile clothing and introducing something unique […]

Stylish Ways to Wear Leggings

Stylish Ways to Wear Leggings : Happily, it is spring again. Time to get rid of all those heavy layers. It is time for all those beautiful spring colors to pop. Let yourself be inspired by nature – the blooming flowers in vivid colors, the chirping of the birds, the sunshine and the sky, and incorporate those colors into your […]

Unique Foot Tattoo Ideas

Unique Foot Tattoo Ideas : There is a scenario that many of you might be familiar with: it has been a long day at work and you are busy counting stations when suddenly you notice a young girl standing in the aisle. As your eyes summarize her fashion sense, you notice a tattoo on her foot. You can’t help admiring […]

Are you afraid of aging?

Are you afraid of aging? Is Hormone Replacement Therapy a good option to stop yourself from looking old? A heavily botoxed woman, sitting in the chair in front of me, has a question that is difficult to answer. She is menopausal and wants to know if undergoing a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would help her look younger. The pendulum of […]

Sitting down increases women’s risk of cancer

Spending too much leisure time sitting down increases a woman’s risk of cancer – even among those who do plenty of exercise. Those who are seated for more than six hours a day are more likely to suffer cancers, particularly of the breast, ovaries and bone marrow, researchers have found. Even those women who are physically active and of normal […]

A good shopping deal feels like having great romance

According to a new study it was revealed that “good shopping deals at your favourite store not only relieve you from stress or mood swings but can also arouse the euphoric joy of an orgasm! The researchers from University of Michigan found that finding good deals is similar to the feeling of great romance. It is quite surprising to understand […]