Live for Humanity

It is a matter of great pleasure for me, my fellow Indian brothers and sisters all over the world that we celebrate the 64th anniversary of independence of the country, one of the largest democracies.

We are proud of our country. We have so far achieved much, traveling rapidly on the path of development and have seen success in many areas. The economy of India is the tenth largest in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth largest by purchasing power parity However, a lot remains to be done as our progress impacts upon the global interests. We need to banish poverty and illiteracy from our country. Our common man is yet to have access to improved health services. We need to provide employment opportunities to each one of our youth.

The road ahead is long and arduous. Particularly, the prevailing situation is such that if we do not act with understanding and restraint, the and prosperity can get adversely affected. The world economy is slowing down. The developed countries especially America and countries of Western Europe are facing economic problems. There is unrest in many Arab countries of the Middle East. There are some people who want to create disturbances. All this can have a negative impact on global economy. We all will have to work together to face any challenge. For that we should we rise above personal or political interests and build consensus on issues of vital importance for the humanity.

Let us work together world over.

Be Happy – Live for Humanity.