New Year Resolutions To Improve Your Health : New Year resolutions are usually set as a way to start the year fresh by creating goals to strive towards a better you. After the year we just had, a fresh start sounds very appealing, right? If you’re someone that doesn’t usually hop on the new year resolutions train, but you’re thinking about it for 2022, here are a few simple yet healthy ideas that you can easily add to your daily routine and maintain throughout the year.
Plan Healthy Meals For The Week
If you’ve struggled in the past to keep your resolutions, you should know that specificity is key. Instead of a typical goal to “eat healthier” in the coming year, create a resolution around a particular habit that will help you establish a routine designed to achieve that goal.
This year, make it a goal to meal plan and prep for the week ahead. Doing so will allow you to create healthier meal options for you and your family. Planning ahead will also minimize the added stress that emerges when deciding what to make for dinner after a long exhausting day.
First, start by purchasing a calendar to keep on the front of your refrigerator or somewhere in your kitchen. This will give you a place to take notes, and write out your dinner plans for the week. Schedule time for yourself to outline meals for the week ahead, and pick a day of the week to do the actual shopping and preparation. You can also use it to organise and plan your appointments like to rid sensitive teeth at a Dentist in Encino or meet up with your friends. If your schedule allows for it, we suggest going with a Sunday as it’s a great day to organize yourself for the week ahead, pick up or order any groceries you may need, and prepare your meals. Whether you’re back in the office or working from home, meal prepping your lunch for the week allows you to grab and go instead of running to the closest fast food spot or snacking all day. Having these quick and healthy options may require time, but in the end you’re making healthier choices. Give it time and eventually it will be part of your routine!
Give Yourself A Compliment
This past year brought a substantial amount of fear, and uncertainty impacting the mental health of many around the world. The disruption to our daily routines and being isolated from loved ones can put a toll on our emotional well-being and cause negative scenarios in our mind. As we head into the new year and are still experiencing these uncertainties, it’s important to start thinking optimistically and committing to daily habits that promote positive thinking. One habit to try this year is giving yourself a compliment everyday. Compliments are a great way to bring more positivity into your life as well as those around you. It may sound ridiculous, but think about how you feel when someone gives you a compliment. Great, right? You have the power to give yourself that same feeling once you notice details about yourself and say them out loud. Don’t stop there, during that zoom call with friends, family or co-workers give them a compliment! That small gesture could turn their day around for the better.
Create A Fitness Routine
The most common resolutions are fitness related, however, losing weight or becoming more fit are vague and typically don’t last through February. If setting a fitness goal this year is important to you then it’s crucial that you take a moment to reflect and educate yourself in order to determine a successful fitness journey. Simply purchasing a gym membership and committing to working out everyday for a whole year is unrealistic. Instead, try creating a fitness routine that focuses on specific areas you want to work on as well as the days and times that work with your schedule. That way you don’t have any excuses! Keep in mind when doing your research that not all fitness routines you come across are designed equally. You have to take into consideration age, physical restrictions, and fitness level in order to create a routine that works for you.
If you’re currently working from home, getting into a routine where you get up and move around is very important. For example, take a 15 minute break to go for a walk or do jumping jacks every hour. Health Net’s YouTube channel shares a variety of health and fitness videos ideal for staying healthy from home. Creating a routine and setting small goals for yourself throughout the year will make your fitness goal more realistic and achievable through 2022.
Explore Something New
Exploring a new hobby or trying something for the first time is never easy. As adults we’ve experienced failure at least once in our lifetime, so stepping outside of our comfort zone is no easy task when the fear of failure is lingering in the background. This is the year to not let the stress of failure get in your way. Stepping outside of your comfort zone doesn’t have to be a life changing experience. Perhaps you’re interested in photography and hope to make a career move one day or simply just do it for fun. Make it a goal to snap more pictures this year. If buying a new camera isn’t in your budget, start capturing moments on your phone and utilizing all the wonderful applications out there for editing purposes.
Sometimes we’re so focused on our day-to-day lives that we forget to think about what brings us joy. Exploring something new is the perfect outlet for enjoyment during these unprecedented times.
Here is to a better and healthier 2022, Happy New Year!
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