Give Up Your Ego

We all live in some sort of Organizations which are made up of people. Your organization can be your family, your Office, your own company, your society, and your club, […]

Keep Your Mind Open

Imagine how your life could improve if you could shift your state of being, attitude and mindset gracefully and easily anytime you choose even during the period of recession all […]

Enjoy Your Achievements Fully

Generally, our desires denote two powerful motivations in life, we may acquire something and enjoy that thing to fulfil our desire. We want to acquire whatever we desire from the […]

Avoid alcohol.

Medically it is advised that if you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. Alcoholic beverages supply calories but few nutrientsTaking more than one drink per day for women or […]

Change Your Attitude

Sometime, we feel depressed with the happenings around us. It appears that somebody is doing something wrong with us or we are somewhere wrong. We try to find out the […]

Get rid of ill-thoughts

Believe me, our emotional attachment to the materialistic things is the cause of our ill-thoughts. The world would be free of trouble if there were no attachment to the materialistic […]

Be playful.

The present day civilization has been learning continuously since its advent. It attempts upon new and newer discoveries and inventions for the increase of its comforts. To know is the […]

Learn to Ignore Bad Things

It is a truth that in response to each of our acts, there are either material rewards or spiritual rewards, if we take the whole scenario in positive terms. Neutrally, […]

Destiny Is Your Own Creation

Believe me, your destiny is your own creation. It must not be construed as a curse on humankind. One version of interpreting is directly correlated to your own acts. Your […]

Put Off Your Hang-Ups

As you will also observe, you do not feel easy to keep yourself concentrated on the job standing before you to you’re your immediate attention because that particular job is […]

You can also be lucky.

It can be a strange question why some people are always in the right place at the right time, while others consistently experience ill fortune? I understand that you too […]

Enjoy Your Life Fully

It happens almost with every one of us that when we are enjoying it or bursting with happiness, we do not ask ourselves what is the purpose of our life. […]

Keep Hope

Once, in a room, there were four candles working together-burning slowly.The ambiance was so soft you could hear them talking. The first one said: “I am peace. However, nobody can […]