Simple Daily Exercises to Improve Your Sexual Life : We all have slightly different reasons for working out. For some, it has become a lifestyle, others still need some constant motivation.
And there is no doubt that at times it might get a bit difficult to find the motivation, that would keep you going.
Well, how about working out in order to improve your sex life? Seems like a good enough reason to stop being lazy doesn’t it?
There are of course many different ways to improve sex life, but when it comes to exercising, nothing really comes close. A healthy body provides for everything you might need to have better sex. For men there are also some herbs to last longer during sex now available in the market.
What is more, it keeps you in shape when you are not in the bed as well!
Keep in mind, these right here are not any special type of exercises made up only to improve your sexual life. Just regular exercises that most of the fitness enthusiasts have done and do regularly.
The catch is that some of you might look at working out differently after realizing how this affects your performance in bed (or wherever you prefer).
Exercises to Improve Your Sexual Life for Women
I’ve heard a lot of opinions about how only men should be thinking about performing better in bed and there is nothing I could disagree more with. The thing is that in order to have better sex both people have to be ready to perform at their best.
The following a some of the most common Exercises to Improve Your Sexual Life.

- Squats can do more than just shape that booty and legs. If done regularly, they will improve women’s ability to get aroused during sex, while stimulating blood flow below your waist.
- Strong upper legs will also help if you want to take over the situation in bed.
Bridge Pose
- Let’s get straight to the point of doing a bridge pose. If cone correctly and regularly, it can lead to longer and better-controlled orgasms! Yes!
- This pose reinforces female sex organs while awakening the pelvic-floor muscles.
Pelvic Tilt Pulses
- Your core and lower back are often under a lot of pressure during sex. Therefore it is important to strengthen these parts of your body.
- Well, it is exactly what pelvic tilt pulses will do, while also getting you ready to do kegals.
- You can do all kind of cardio training, but in my opinion, nothing comes close to running. Running helps when it comes to performing in bed, you will simply have what it takes to make your partner feel great.
- I mean, gassing out while having sex would be just sad.

- Kegels help you get more strength in those pelvic floor muscles which do play and important role in orgasms during sex.
- What is more, this pose will give great pleasure for both of you if done during sex! But remember to work on them before you take Kegels in bed.
Stability-ball pull-ins
- To strengthen your back by working on abdominal muscles, one of the best things to do is use the stability-ball. This will give more support to your back, while also working on your upper body.
- And then it comes to having better sex, the endurance of your upper body can play huge role.
- As I said before, better endurance and good stamina are both a must-have to even consider working on having great sex.
- And planking, well it provides exactly that. It might seem like a simple thing to do, but it works great.
Seated leg extensions
- Strengthen your legs so you can go the distance.
- You see, it’s all ok if your legs are fatigued while doing a workout. But when it comes to the bedroom, having your legs to quiver or a bit shaky are not a good thing in any way.
- And you can work on avoiding that with this simple exercise.
Triceps dips and Push-ups
- Both of these need to be done to get some more strength in your arms and upper body. Especially your arms that are crucial for having great sex that lasts long enough.
- It allows you to move around more freely without losing control and having shaky hands, that can ruin the situation.
Upward-facing dog
- This position – with a somewhat relatable name – is known to strengthen different muscles groups that are used in many sex positions.
- Your yoga friends will also approve that this position helps with blood flow to the pelvic region while also increasing energy.
Seated straddle stretch
- Sitting at the desk all day puts a lot of pressure on your legs. It is blocking down essential blood flow, which in turn causes stagnation of muscles in the groin and the pelvis.
- The straddle stretch ensures that blood flow is increased to these areas, therefore providing for an increased sensation.
What does that mean?
- In two words: easier orgasms.
- It will also make you more flexible over time which is a good thing for those who like to take things to the next level in bed.
- Besides all of this, you should do some yoga. A lot of yoga would be great, but just a reasonable amount would help you a lot in bed.
- It helps to become more flexible, feeling your body a lot better and increasing blood flow.

Exercises to Improve Your Sexual Life for Men
Why is this crucial for men?
Simply because you have to be able to keep your endurance in bed. There is simply nothing worse than a guy, who gets too tired while having sex.
Men sexual health says a lot about you, and therefore you have to work on getting better.
So here are so simple exercises you can do, to keep up the good work in the bedroom.
- Just as for women, Kegels can also be beneficial for men. Actually, even a lot more beneficial.
- This exercise tones and strengthens some specific muscles that are in control of stopping the urine flow and providing better ejaculation. This means that training of these muscles can be helpful with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation as well as overactive bladder.
- It is a must-do in other words.
- Endurance, strength, and stamina! I have to say again, that these are truly important factors for a good performance in the bedroom.
- And planking does the job with providing great strengthening for the muscles that you will be using in the bed.
- Keep in mind, plank might just be one of the easiest exercises to do! So there is no reason not to.
Stability-ball crunches
- Strengthening your core allows for better performance with different sex positions and improves your thrusting ability.
- This might sound weird for some of you, but there is a good chance to injure your back during sex.
- To avoid that, you have to get your core stronger and these crunches are the way to go.

Lying leg raises
- Another great core workout is leg raises. Improved thrust will help you last longer in some specific positions, mainly the upright ones.
- Be careful with this exercise if you have back issues, and take it slowly. Otherwise, you won’t even be able to get to the bed.
- Good old push-ups.
- You should do these on daily basis even if you are not looking to get better in bed. Anyway, what they do is strengthen your arms, upper body, and core.
- This means push-ups can help you say: “bye” to those shaky hands you might be having in those on-top sex positions. And just think about it, how does that look and feel for your partner.
- What is more, you won’t be ever able to fully enjoy the process if you have to constantly worry about running out of power in your hands!
Stability-ball bench press
- Just like the regular bench press, expect a little bit better, this exercise strengthens your abdominals, biceps, triceps, lats, forearms, pecs and deltoids.
- This results in decreased fat and increased muscle mass if done on regular basis and combined with a healthy diet.
- With constant work, you will look and feel a lot better, which is important when it comes to close relationships with your partner. What is more, this kind of body is capable of everything that comes to mind in bed!
- Yes, man too should squat!
- Just like for woman, this simple exercise increases blood flow to bodies pelvic region. If you remember from what was said before, this will make orgasms a lot more intense.
- Also, squats increase testosterone level in your body.
- And of course, your lower body will get that strength it needs to pleasure your partner from all positions.
- These will be even better if done with weights. However, that means you have to think about investing in a squat rack or a power rack for even more versatility. Keep in mind, that straight training altogether is what every men should do.
- Not only will you be physically capable of doing a lot more, but the look of your body will give you extra confidence.
Stationary lunges
- Just like squats, lunges too will increase blood flow to the pelvic region making for the same result.
- At the same time, you get to strengthen your lower body while building endurance and improving your mobility, core stability, and balance.
- Why do you need improved balance and mobility in the bedroom? If you don’t know already, you will find the sooner or later yourself.
Interval training
- But with all the mobility and stability you have, you won’t be able to do a lot without good endurance and stamina.
- This is where internal training proves its importance. And keep in mind, that it is up to you, what kind of training you choose to do.
- You have the chance to do intervals, well, basically everywhere.
- And keeping in mind the essentials role that this kind of training has, it’s hard to ignore it.
Upward-facing dog
- Thinking about doing some lifting in the bedroom? This stretch will protect your lower back from such moves just as it does with lifting you do at the gym.
- This exercise also gives a good stretch to the core, hip flexors, and psoas, resulting in increased blood flow to your pelvic area while also increasing energy.
- Again, benefiting your orgasms and giving energy which you obviously need in the bed.
Seated straddle stretch
- Sitting down at the desk all day gives a lot of pressure to your legs. This is blocking down essential amount of blood flow, which in then causes stagnation of muscles in the groin and the pelvis.
- The straddle stretch exercise ensures that blood flow is again increased to the mentioned areas, therefore providing for an increased sensation. What exactly does that mean? Let’s put it this way: easier orgasms.
- Over time, this will also make you more flexible and that is a good thing for those who want to take some things to the next level in the bedroom.
Reclined butterfly pose
- This is an exercise you should add yo every workout you have and do it at the end of your exercises. It is a truly good stretch that helps you loosen up and feel stronger.
- In a variety of sexual positions, you will need your body to be loose in order to get the thing done.
Exercises to Improve Your Sexual Life for Couples
As you see, there are many different ways to improve sex life. And if you don’t want to do this on your own, there is always the chance to talk to your partner and do these together.

Such activities as aerobics and gymnastics could be even better in achieving the goal if you decide to do all of this together. It makes things more interesting and you can still go thru some individual exercises.
And if you really want to keep all of this outside the gym, you might want to consider doing some swimming, cross-country skiing, running or similar activities together.
What is more, doing these things together, might strengthen your relationship mentally instead of concentrating on the physical part!
Always keep in mind that to improve women’s and men’s sexual health, you have to be active. I mean, you have to be active outside the bed to become more active in the bed and have better sex.
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Simple Daily Exercises to Improve Your Sexual Life
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