Sobriety Milestones: Why You Should Never Forget To Celebrate Them : There are choice moments in your life that you want to memorialize for the rest of your life. Your achievements should be among them, and that’s why you should highlight those important moments of your sobriety. Whether it’s been two weeks or two years, you should be proud of these milestones. Here are some important reasons as to why you should always celebrate them.
When You Should Start?
That moment is entirely up to you. Most people choose the day they enter rehab as their milestone date, as this demonstrates that they are dedicated to recovery. This is because it is the last day that they use drugs or alcohol. It’s the start of the path to a new life that most people believe once thought wasn’t possible for them.
Reason #1: It Builds Up Self-Efficacy
Celebrating your achievements can help you raise your self-confidence. Each milestone is direct proof that you’re making progress and that you’re strong enough to face those difficulties.
Reason #2: It Keeps You Productive
Regardless of whether the milestone is small or big, celebrating them makes you feel productive and inspires you to want to reach the next one. You’ve probably attained some skills and interests along your journey that you’re not aware of. Why not turn your attention to those to see what continues to make you feel good about yourself.
Reason #3: It Helps You Mend Relationships
Addiction breaks the bonds that you form with other people and it can feel like an impossibility to repair them. But through rehab, you’re demonstrating to those closest to you that you care about yourself as well as those you’ve hurt. One of the best ways to start repairing those bonds is to invite your friends and family to your milestones so that they can celebrate with you.
Reason #4: It Instills Gratitude
Feelings of guilt come easily with addiction, but instead of dwelling on those, you can use your moments of celebration to thank those around you who have helped you in your journey. By showing how thankful you are to those around you, they’ll start to feel appreciated and will be more willing to continue providing you with support.
Reason #5: It Cultivates Self-Love
It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of self-loathing when you’re dealing with addiction. You blame yourself for everything, which only digs a deeper hole for yourself. But with milestones, you can start to take on a more positive attitude about everything and appreciate everything you’ve accomplished. You can continue to take this positive attitude with you long after you’ve completed rehab.
Whether you choose to go out with loved ones, treating yourself to a small gift, or investing in a new hobby, celebrating your achievement milestones is good for your mental health. It gives you something to focus on, inspires you to keep going, and helps you to repair the social bonds you have with other people. If you suffer with addiction and feel that now is the right time to get help, contact your medical professional as soon as possible.
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Sobriety Milestones: Why You Should Never Forget To Celebrate Them
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