
3 Results

Benefits of Vitamin E

I’m sure you have heard much about vitamin E and its healthy properties. It is really a powerful antioxidant and its positive effects on people’s health cannot be doubted. It’s a proved fact that vitamin E is widely used in medicine and is also a popular additive to various kinds of cosmetics. Take any skincare product you have on your […]

Healthy Benefits of Red Rice

Looking for a healthy alternative to your favorite brown rice? Have you ever tried red rice? This healthy whole grain boasts a soft texture and nutty flavor, and goes well with almost every meat and vegetable. You can also serve it as a salad and pilaf. Red rice is high in fiber and iron, and it is also fat-free. Red […]

Treating Asthma With Colostrum

Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects up to 7% of the population. Asthma causes the airways in the lungs to constrict without warning making it difficult to breathe properly. This is usually in response to some kind of trigger or allergy, such as air pollutants, cold air, stress or exercise. Symptoms of asthma include coughing, shortness of breath, […]