cbd oil for cats anxiety dosage

2 Results

Is CBD Oil For Cats Effective?

Is CBD Oil For Cats Effective? The relationship we form with our furry companions is one that lasts a lifetime. Although cats are known to be rugged creatures, humans still manage to establish a loving bond with them. It’s a bond that started 10,000 years ago, during the Egyptian times. Read more about it here: https://prettylittercats.com/blogs/prettylitter-blog/the-10-000-year-old-relationship-between-humans-and-cats. It turns out that our […]

Everything you need to know about CBD oil and cats

Everything you need to know about CBD oil and cats : Did you know that it’s not just humans that can use CBD oil? Animals, especially cats and dogs need these oils for similar reasons as humans. For instance, cats can suffer from chronic pain, and anxiety attacks, just like humans. CBD oil is a nice natural alternative for conventional […]