how can we help the elderly in our community

3 Results

Top Tips To Help Keep Your Elderly Relatives Safer

Top Tips To Help Keep Your Elderly Relatives Safer : The circle of life can truly be a very wonderful thing but when it comes to the ageing process then this is a little bit more difficult to handle. With age comes sickness and so we have to watch our “elderly parents” slow down quite a lot and things that […]

Things You Can Do To Make Life More Comfortable For The Elderly

Things You Can Do To Make Life More Comfortable For The Elderly : You lose the charm of living a fulfilling life when one is increasingly isolated and riddled with chronic illnesses. Did you know? Chronic pain, life-threatening diseases, and medications severely compromise life quality. In fact, seniors struggle with various health conditions and disruptive life changes that drastically compromise their […]

How Can Caregivers Help Seniors with Social Isolation

How Can Caregivers Help Seniors with Social Isolation : Social isolation is one of the main catalysts of depression for most age groups, particularly seniors. Depression can seriously affect a person’s health and in worst case scenarios, lead to suicide. One of the best ways to fight these feelings is to notice the early signs of depression in a loved one.