
5 Results

How Your Period Affects Your Runs

How Your Period Affects Your Runs: Yup, your cycle really can impact your stride. Does the thought of running while on your period make you curl up in the fetal position on the couch because: pain? Or does it bum you out because you think you won’t be able to stick to your typically amazing pace? Well, according to Jordan Metzl, […]

Health Benefits of Parsnips

Did you know that the consumption of parsnips has some great health benefits? Parsnips contain essential nutrients and minerals that our body need, that’s why it’s recommended to eat them on a regular basis. Parsnips look like carrots, but they are rich in fiber. Here are a few amazing health benefits of eating parsnips.

Know about the Birth Control Pill

Every woman knows that the pill is among the most effective ways of birth control, but have you ever thought about problems connected with taking the pill? In fact, there are many of them! Unfortunately, sometimes doctors don’t tell women about the bad sides of such medicine. The problem is that most women are interested only in a positive result […]

Natural Remedies for Menstrual Pain

I’m sure that many women would agree that having menstrual related pain is one of the worst kinds of pain. It can stop you from enjoying your day and can leave you unable to do the things you need to do. These natural remedies for menstrual pain will help you to get rid of that crummy feeling and to get […]

Great Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Have you ever wondered what the health benefits of cinnamon are? This great spice is good for almost anything that ails you! Even if you don’t like cinnamon, I’m sure that knowing some of the health benefits of cinnamon will convince you to add a little of the spice into your daily diet! Check out a few great health benefits […]