menstrual hygiene slideshare

2 Results

5 Menstrual Hygiene Habits to Avoid Every Time

5 Menstrual Hygiene Habits to Avoid Every Time : As women experience their menses once every month. You may think that all of them are aware of the dos and don’ts that they should observe during this time of the month. Unfortunately, just a few of them do, and for the sake of personal hygiene, every woman must know.

Tips to Maintain Menstrual Hygiene The Effective Way!

Tips to Maintain Menstrual Hygiene The Effective Way! Feminine hygiene is important and becomes unavoidable if you’re going through your menstruation cycle. During menstruation, women are at high risk of itchiness and bacterial infections. If you’ve been thinking how to have a hygienic and clean period, you’re at the right place. Below you will find some great tips that can help […]