ptosis insurance

3 Results

Treatments for Ptosis in Singapore

Treatments for Ptosis in Singapore : Our eyes are one of the most important parts of our body. Other parts of the body will be having difficulty in operating if something is blocking the eye. One condition that affects our sense of sight is Ptosis. It is a medical condition where the upper eyelid is drooping. Want to know more about […]

What You Should Know about Ptosis Surgery in Singapore

What You Should Know about Ptosis Surgery in Singapore : Ptosis is the medical term used to refer to a droopy eyelid. While most individuals believe that an untreated droopy eyelid doesn’t come with any complications, the truth is actually the opposite. Such belief is one of the main reasons why a lot of Singaporeans have this condition since they aren’t […]

10 Things to Know About Droopy Eyelid Surgery in Singapore

10 Things to Know About Droopy Eyelid Surgery in Singapore : A droopy eyelid can both be a medical and aesthetic concern. Medically, a droopy eyelid is called ptosis and can serious medical conditions if taken for granted. From a cosmetic standpoint, a droopy eyelid can look unflattering and most of the time can make you look tired and sleepy all […]