
15 Results

Tips for Eating Out on a Diet

Planning to eat out? Don’t panic. Dining out won’t ruin your dieting efforts if you plan in advance. The meals at most popular restaurants are generally higher in fat and calories than your home-cooked meals. But as restaurateurs respond to increasing demands for healthy options, it’s a lot easier to dine out with friends without compromising your diet. Here are […]

Make Your Spring Salad

Spring salads are healthy and tasty but it’s easy to get stuck in a salad routine and ditch this wholesome meal. I love spring salads and always try to make them more delicious and fun so that I never get bored of eating them. Eating the same salad each day won’t help you meet your health and weight loss goals. […]

Foods That Are Bad for Weight Loss

Foods That Are Bad for Weight Loss : Everyone knows that oatmeal is healthier than a bowl of sugary cereal, and salad is better than a juicy burger. But did you know that some so-called healthy foods are just junk food in disguise? Those healthy options at the restaurant and on the grocery shelves are full of calories. Here are […]

Best Ways to Make Your Weight Loss Easier

While there’s no magic pill for weight loss or a single diet plan that works for everybody, there are a few effective ways to make weight loss much easier. With these simple tips, you can indeed gain wonderful results without depriving yourself. Well-balanced diet and exercise are essential when it comes to weight loss. But there are a few ways […]

How to Build Better Salads

Salads often get a pretty bad rap. It’s not that they’re not totally rad, it’s just that in the world of food awesomeness, people think there are, well, better things. Those people clearly haven’t crossed paths with the duo behind Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck. The first cookbook from the masterminds behind the wildly […]

Healthy Foods to Bring to Work

We used to eat numerous snacks during our working day, however, we rarely think of their health benefits and nutritious value to our body. If you want to stay positive and energetic at workplace, you have to pay much attention to the foods you consume for lunch. There are lots of people who prefer to take some foods from home […]

Vegan Foods That Are Good for You

We used to think that only vegans consume various fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, grains and nuts. However, there are crucial reasons every person should eat regularly at least a few vegan foods that have lots of health benefits. You’ll find different vegan dishes that can be a wonderful alternative to your favorite foods. So, you’d better think thoroughly before refusing […]

Healthy Foods to Eat to Combat Sugar Addiction

Nowadays lots of people suffer from sugar addiction and that is a real problem as it can lead to numerous diseases. If you are a sugar addict, don’t get upset. There are so many effective ways that will help you to solve this issue. For example, by adding certain healthy foods to you diet you will be able to reduce […]

Consume More Healthy Calories

If you are trying to gain weight, you might want to know some helpful tips for consuming more healthy calories. It seems hard to think about putting on weight these days when many people are trying to lose weight. I know many people who want to put on several extra pounds, but they don’t know how to do it. When […]

Modern Meals and Best Wine Matches

Whether it’s a family barbeque, take-out with friends or a romantic dinner, there are several great choices of wine to match the meal. Impress your friends and loved ones with your excellent wine matching skills. Follow this guide for some delicious meal matching wines!

How to Store Food in Your Fridge

There are a few rules of storing food in your fridge to follow in order to keep your fridge organized. Perhaps you think that when you throw your food in the fridge, it does all the work, but it’s much more complicated than you think. Food storage rules to follow are all about preventing cross-contamination of raw v cooked, fresh […]

Healthy Snacks for Perfect Skin

Healthy snacks for perfect skin can be as helpful as all those creams and lotions that you buy to fight acne and aging. You can use a pricey anti-aging and wrinkle creams, but there’s no point in using them if you consume too much sugar and processed foods. Eating healthier foods has plenty of amazing benefits for your body, including […]

Make Your Weight Loss Easier

  While there’s no magic pill for weight loss or a single diet plan that works for everybody, there are a few effective ways to make weight loss much easier. With these simple tips, you can indeed gain wonderful results without depriving yourself. Well-balanced diet and exercise are essential when it comes to weight loss. But there are a few […]

Fitness Tips for Busy Moms

If you are a busy mom and you’re trying to get back in shape, you might be looking for fitness tips that actually work. After diaper changing, broken sleep, meals cooked, and a day of housecleaning, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. However, you should prioritize your health. So take a look at some helpful fitness tips […]