
12 Results

Beauty Rules Every Woman Should Live By

Looking great can take a lot of work, but if you follow a few essential beauty rules, you will find that it doesn’t take long to look your very best. If you are looking for a new beauty routine and don’t know where to start, here are ten beauty rules that every woman should live by.

Must-Try Beauty Tips

You don’t have to appreciate vintage style to benefit from some old-fashioned beauty advice. The wisdom of grandmothers is alive and well in the beauty world and you might be able to weave some of yester-year’s tips and techniques into your beauty regimen. The following tips will help you enhance your beauty in tried and true ways.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Also known as pitaya, a dragon fruit is becoming a favorite fruit of many people these days. It has plenty of health benefits that you may not even know about. Dragon fruits are packed with vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3, and essential minerals including phosphorus, iron, and calcium. One fruit contains about 60 calories and it’s the great news […]

Your Skin Needs More Care

Skin problems can plague you throughout life. Some people deal with acne for a lifetime. Some people have a variety of skin issues throughout life. There are many issues you can face when it comes to the skin, but the good news is there are ways to fix most of them because most of the time it’s your lifestyle that […]

Everyday Skincare Tips

Your skin is your body’s largest organ. It protects your internal organs from the elements. Your face is the identity that you present to the world. Given that your skin and your face play such essential roles, doesn’t it make sense to take the best care possible of your skin? Whether you wear makeup everyday or never touch the stuff, […]

Achieve Natural Beauty

Achieving beauty is about enhancing your features, a process that can be done with chemicals and makeup or one that can be done naturally. The natural approach may take a little bit more dedication and maybe more time, but it pays off in spades, in the long term, through healthier skin, more vibrant hair, and through a general aura of […]

Bad Beauty Habits

If the image that you see in the mirror is less than appealing, the culprit may not be bad lighting or even your added years. You may be sabotaging your looks with bad beauty habits. Breaking these ten bad beauty habits won’t transform you from a “5” to a “10,” but you will almost assuredly see a significant improvement in […]

Beauty Tips for Using Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar may seem like a humble salad dressing to most people, but it is actually a powerful beauty tonic that has an endless amount of uses. Raw, unfiltered vinegar is packed with healthy enzymes and is a natural antiseptic, antifungal and antibacterial. It also removes dirt and product build-up from the skin without leaving it dry or irritated. […]

Deal with Body Acne

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, covering about 3,000 square inches of area. It keeps you warm, retains moisture, and protects you from infection. The skin is a remarkable organ, but it can also be a source of embarrassment when breakouts of acne occur. If you are looking for some tips for dealing with body acne, here […]

Beauty Uses for Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been used for centuries both for cooking and medicinal purposes.  It is packed with health-boosting fatty acids, and its natural antifungal and antibacterial properties promote healing when used topically. The following list gives 10 ways that you can incorporate coconut oil into your everyday routine and ditch the toxic, chemical laden products once and for all.

Great Beauty Habits

We all want to look our best every day, but sometimes we take on bad habits that keep us from it. We know we should avoid smoking, staying in the sun too long, and eating junk food, but that isn’t enough. Here are 10 great beauty habits you should work into your daily life.

Look 10 Years Younger

Every woman wants to look 10 years younger than her real age. Unfortunately, we can’t stop aging, but the good news is we can age gracefully. No matter whether you are in your 30s, 40s or 50s, with these little tricks you will look much younger in no time. However, keep in mind that if you don’t eat healthy, don’t […]