
Showing 15 of 54 Results

Pizza Tricks That Will Help You Shed Pounds

Pizza Tricks That Will Help You Shed Pounds. Ask any dieter about pizza, and they will tell you that it is one of the most diet-sabotaging foods out there. Pizza makes us feel heavy and bloated and can lead to weight gain, because we make wrong pizza choices. Pizza Tricks That Will Help You Shed Pounds. When it comes to pizzas, […]

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum

Control your diabetes and obesity with capsicum : Nowadays many people are easily prone to lifestyle diseases like diabetes, obesity and hypertension. Our eating habits and lifestyle could be the main reasons for it. To control or reverse it there are many natural remedies and recently capsicum has been added to that list. The scientists at the CSIR- Indian Institute […]

Foods For Your Best Skin Ever

Think of all good, nutrient-dense foods as superfoods — ingredients you want to incorporate into your diet frequently to keep your system running at its very best. These good foods are the foods you want to commit to, the ones you should cuddle up with every night and marry.

Foods to Eat Every Day for Perfect Skin

Are you tired of using different expensive and ineffective beauty products? It’s time to throw away all those ineffective products and start eating foods for perfect skin. I went from terrible acne five months ago to not having acne now. It was hard, but it was possible, and less expensive than turning to pricey products. While some foods can aggravate […]

Cope with the Winter Blues

If you suffer a downer during the winter months, there are a few ways to cope with the winter blues. No matter what the weather is doing and how gloomy your family, friends and coworkers may be, try to stay positive and enjoy this wonderful season to the fullest. If you have trouble dealing with the winter blues, here are […]

What Your Skin Reveals About Your Health

Take a second and look at your skin from head to toe. What do you see? Many people observe wrinkles, acne, eczema, uneven rough skin or rosacea. Although these are all conditions we wish to live without, they’re also gentle whispers of the body telling us there’s an imbalance going on inside that needs to be addressed, so they shouldn’t […]

Ways to Stay Fit This Christmas

Christmas time is notorious for fattening habits. We eat too much of the wrong stuff and stop moving. Exercise plans disintegrate as the weather gets cold, and salads are replaced by comfort food. You don’t have to give up all the Christmas parties and tasty treats to stay fit, but it will take some work and sacrifice. Use these ten […]

How to Build Better Salads

Salads often get a pretty bad rap. It’s not that they’re not totally rad, it’s just that in the world of food awesomeness, people think there are, well, better things. Those people clearly haven’t crossed paths with the duo behind Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook: Eat Like You Give a F*ck. The first cookbook from the masterminds behind the wildly […]

Beauty Foods for Women

The food we eat affects us in many ways. Many foods enhance us on the inside with their composition of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Yet many foods can also impact the way we look on the outside. While we already know that eating greasy foods, for example, can negatively impact our skin, there are actually many foods that support the […]

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a nutritional powerhouse that provides incredible health benefits when included in your daily eating plan. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C, K, vitamin B6, potassium, folate, thiamin, magnesium, niacin, copper and phosphorus, which are all essential to maintain good health. One of the best things about tomatoes is that they are naturally low in cholesterol, saturated fat, […]

Fitness Habits to Develop When You’re Young

There are a few important fitness habits you should develop at a young age to live a healthier, longer life. If you adopt unhealthy fitness habits when you’re young, as you get older, it will be harder to get rid of these bad habits. However, if you start leading a healthy lifestyle at a young age, it will remain a […]

Get Rid of Body Fat Fast

Getting rid of body fat fast can be a challenging task and many people believe it’s impossible, but there are some ways to make this process easier and more effective. These ways will help you reduce your body fat, tone your trouble areas and look your best. So, if you are curious to find out the best ways to reduce […]

Healthy Foods to Bring to Work

We used to eat numerous snacks during our working day, however, we rarely think of their health benefits and nutritious value to our body. If you want to stay positive and energetic at workplace, you have to pay much attention to the foods you consume for lunch. There are lots of people who prefer to take some foods from home […]