Ways to Lose weight

7 Results

Weight-Loss Success without Diet or Exercise

Weight-Loss Success without Diet or Exercise. Your slim-down plan is basically doomed if you don’t take care of this crucial element. Looking back on my weight-loss journey, there’s one really crucial lesson I learned that I wish I had known from the get-go. It has nothing to do with how much to eat or which workouts burn the most calories […]

Can having sex lead to weight loss?

Sex is a pleasurable activity and like any other physical activity, you burn calories doing it. So yes, sex does help in burning some amount of calories which can contribute in you losing weight. But depending entirely on it to reach your weight loss goals can be a bit too farfetched. Here’s how much you burn.

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily : There is so much information about the role of metabolism in weight gain and weight loss that people get confused about it. In simple terms, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food to energy. Your body handles this process of metabolism depending on your lifestyle habits, what exactly you […]

Foods That Are Bad for Weight Loss

Foods That Are Bad for Weight Loss : Everyone knows that oatmeal is healthier than a bowl of sugary cereal, and salad is better than a juicy burger. But did you know that some so-called healthy foods are just junk food in disguise? Those healthy options at the restaurant and on the grocery shelves are full of calories. Here are […]

Shed Pounds and Have Fun

There are some goals that can help you shed pounds as a result of reaching your goal. I like to lose those extra pounds and transform my body without the stress! Numerous studies show that those who lose weight and maintain it are focused more on reaching fitness goals rather than on the numbers on the scale. Check out 7 […]

Ways to Lose weight

Are you looking for some tips on how to lose weight without restrictive dieting? All those restrictive diets can be extremely exhausting and often impossible to stick with. I always prefer to make small changes and still see excellent results, and you?! Here are a few wise ways to lose weight effortlessly in two weeks. Keep reading…