Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily : There is so much information about the role of metabolism in weight gain and weight loss that people get confused about it.

In simple terms, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food to energy. Your body handles this process of metabolism depending on your lifestyle habits, what exactly you eat and the physical activity you perform. If you’re dieting for years together or have poor eating habits and moderate physical activity, your body gets adjusted to low calorie intake and lowers the rate of metabolism. That’s why your weight remains constant for several years and you tend to put on even when you don’t ingest too many calories.

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily

In order to lose weight, you have to budge from the metabolism plateau your body has set for you. You have to boost your metabolism so that stored fats are well utilized by the body.

Ways to boost metabolism

There are 3 main aspects to speed up metabolism:

  • Calorie intake: The more you eat healthy, the better you body will be fueled with energy.
  • Physical activity: Any type of activity needs energy. If you increase your physical activity, you will definitely boost your metabolism.
  • Pattern of eating: Not supplying the body with food for 3 hours or more can decrease your metabolism

Here are a few tips for altering calorie intake, increasing physical activity and modifying the pattern of eating:

Calorie intake

Just because you want to lose weight, don’t start hating calories. Proper calorie intake, including those obtained from fats, is extremely important for boosting metabolism.

  1. Choose your foods correctly and ensure that your diet includes rich protein sources as well as enough carbohydrate and fats.
  2. You can add spices to your diet which is known to increase metabolism by about 20 percent.
  3. Add fibers to your diet.
  4. Avoid having lots of sugars and stimulants like coffee, cigarettes and energy boosters. These are false energy boosters which then to disrupt your metabolism by acting on your hormones.
  5. Avoid drinking alcohol because it encourages you to over-eat thereby adding extra calories for you to burn.

Physical activity

  1. Do aerobic exercises like walking, running, swimming and cycling at least for 45 minutes every day. If you are exercising for the first time start with 15-20 minutes of exercising and later increase the amount of time. You could start with simply taking the stairs or going for morning walks.
  • Later you can focus more on anaerobic exercises that involves weights and proper endurance training because they help muscles to develop fast and readily put you on a fat-burning mode.
  • Every time you exercise try to reach a peak in every routine. Instead of a non-stop workout, try to break your exercises for shorter time span. This will help you to break your weight plateau.
  • Don’t forget to relax your body after exercising. Rest well.

Pattern of eating

  1. Never skip breakfast. It is like the start up for your metabolism. While you’re sleeping your metabolic rate is lowered and it needs an instant boost as soon as you wake up.
  • Eat smaller meals frequently instead of eating a huge meal once or twice. Space out your meals at an interval of 3 hours. Have healthy snacks in between.
  • Do not starve. Eating lesser calories lowers the metabolism drastically and the body adapts to this pattern.
  • Drink a lot of water because if you are dehydrated for a long time your metabolism rate remains stagnant.




Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily