
Showing 15 of 108 Results

Satisfy Your Chocolate Cravings

Since many of us have a weakness for chocolates and suffer from chocolate cravings, I decided to share some ways to satisfy your chocolate cravings. Chocolate is my best friend and worst enemy at the same time.

Remedies for Dry, Flaky Skin

Winter is fully upon us, and many of us are trying to cope with dry and flaky skin. Fortunately, there are a few effective remedies for dry and scaly skin. Follow my tips and forget about snake like or crocodile-like skin and enjoy glowing and healthy skin. Besides, the remedies I’m going to talk about are a great addition to […]

Keto Certified Bar – What to look for when buying one?

Keto Certified Bar – What to look for when buying one? Keto diet is undoubtedly one of the most rigorous diets when it comes to reducing the carbohydrates intake. It takes a lot of will and persistence to give up your regular carbs inclusive diet in order to start one based on fats.

Key tips for Setting effective and Successful Weight Loss Goals

When we aim to lose weight, we need to use a concentrated approach to help prevent setbacks and delays. In order to be at the top with your weight loss goals, you must have a weight loss mindset. Thus, setting a realistic weight loss goal is one of the most efficient ways to ensure that we are taking appropriate steps […]

Are you afraid of aging?

Are you afraid of aging? Is Hormone Replacement Therapy a good option to stop yourself from looking old? A heavily botoxed woman, sitting in the chair in front of me, has a question that is difficult to answer. She is menopausal and wants to know if undergoing a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) would help her look younger. The pendulum of […]

Seven Foods That Fight Inflammation and Belly Fat

When eaten on a regular basis, foods with anti-inflammatory properties can help reduce inflammation in the body, helping to prevent the long-term health consequences associated with it — but only if you also eliminate the foods that cause inflammation. When inflammation is under control, not only will you have more energy and feel better overall, but you’ll also find that […]

Possible obesity gene discovered

Possible obesity gene discovered : Scientists have discovered a gene that plays an important role in causing obesity. The gene encodes a protein responsible for production and growth of fat cells, showed the findings that point the way to a possible drug therapy for obesity.

Iodine supplements for pregnant women could boost IQ

Providing pregnant women with iodine supplements could boost children’s intelligence and save thousands of pounds in future health costs, according to new research. Findings suggest the NHS could save around £200 per child if it gave small doses of the mineral to expectant and breastfeeding mothers.

Yo-yo dieting not linked to cancer risk in women

A new study suggests that yo-yo dieting or weight cycling is not associated with increased risk of cancer in women. American Cancer Society investigators found that weight cycling was not associated with overall risk of cancer in men or women after adjusting for Body Mass Index and other factors.

Inorganic phosphate in Diet Elevates the Heart Risk

Inorganic phosphate in Diet Elevates the Heart Risk : Phosphate is abundantly found in all the diet we consume, but the new study shows inorganic phosphate leads to block the cells and may turn the CKD patients face the blood clots as a major cardiovascular disease. According to the study report of the University of Leicester, Higher phosphate levels can […]

Breast cancer reoccurrence is prevented by soy foods

Breast cancer reoccurrence is prevented by soy foods : Previously women with breast cancer are advised not to eat soy foods or soy foods supplements during the treatment as it interferes with anti-estrogen treatment.  Turning that statement, the research done by the Prof Leena Hilakivi-Clarke, PhD stated that “soy foods could actually cut the risk of breast cancer recurrence”.

Weight-Loss Success without Diet or Exercise

Weight-Loss Success without Diet or Exercise. Your slim-down plan is basically doomed if you don’t take care of this crucial element. Looking back on my weight-loss journey, there’s one really crucial lesson I learned that I wish I had known from the get-go. It has nothing to do with how much to eat or which workouts burn the most calories […]