
Showing 15 of 108 Results

Types of Bread for Weight Loss

Types of Bread for Weight Loss : The popularity of the Atkins Diet and the explosive growth of low-carb diet plans have led people to believe that carbohydrates are the worst possible food to eat when trying to lose weight. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) thinks differently. In fact, the USDA has placed carbohydrates at the base of […]

Popular Health and Diet Myths Busted

Popular Health and Diet Myths Busted : At some point, both dieters and healthy eaters have to deal with false health and diet myths. The health press tends to come up with fascinating theories about what’s good for you and what isn’t. You can’t believe in them all, though, because many of them are myths. If you can’t achieve your […]

Change Unhealthy Eating Habits

When you put unhealthy food into your body, you probably won’t look and feel your best. Bad eating habits can cause acne, fatigue, mood swings, and lead to a number of serious diseases. If you’re looking for a fresh start for your health, consider banishing all the junk from your pantry and following a clean diet. Here are ten things […]

Tips for Eating Out on a Diet

Planning to eat out? Don’t panic. Dining out won’t ruin your dieting efforts if you plan in advance. The meals at most popular restaurants are generally higher in fat and calories than your home-cooked meals. But as restaurateurs respond to increasing demands for healthy options, it’s a lot easier to dine out with friends without compromising your diet. Here are […]

Make Your Spring Salad

Spring salads are healthy and tasty but it’s easy to get stuck in a salad routine and ditch this wholesome meal. I love spring salads and always try to make them more delicious and fun so that I never get bored of eating them. Eating the same salad each day won’t help you meet your health and weight loss goals. […]

Best Spring-Summer Fruits

Spring has finally arrived and it’s time to think of the fruits to add to your healthy diet now. From rhubarb, mangoes to honeydew melon, there are many delicious and incredibly healthy spring-summer fruits to consume more to be healthy and full of energy. Take a look at the list of some of the best spring-summer fruits and start adding […]

How to lose weight in 1 month

When a reunion, first date, wedding or some major event is looming in the distance, the first thing you would want to do is shed those extra kilos. However, your best month long strategy for weight loss should involve sustainable habits that you can maintain even one month after your weight loss deadline. Burning calories through physical activity and decreasing […]

How do I increase my immunity to prevent swine flu?

How do I increase my immunity to prevent swine flu? Swine Flu has managed to frighten the life out of us, many of us are searching for ways to increase our immunity to prevent this infection. Although there are many ways to prevent an infection, not all of them are foolproof and considering our lifestyle, we are bound to be […]

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily

Boost your metabolism and lose weight easily : There is so much information about the role of metabolism in weight gain and weight loss that people get confused about it. In simple terms, metabolism is the process by which your body converts food to energy. Your body handles this process of metabolism depending on your lifestyle habits, what exactly you […]

Foods That Are Bad for Weight Loss

Foods That Are Bad for Weight Loss : Everyone knows that oatmeal is healthier than a bowl of sugary cereal, and salad is better than a juicy burger. But did you know that some so-called healthy foods are just junk food in disguise? Those healthy options at the restaurant and on the grocery shelves are full of calories. Here are […]

Best Tricks to Tighten Sagging Skin after Weight Loss

Best Tricks to Tighten Sagging Skin after Weight Loss : When you lose a few unwanted pounds, you may not experience loose skin after weight loss. However, when your weight loss goal is to drop 20 pounds (or more), you need to remember these 20 tricks to tighten sagging skin after weight loss. Many women complain that they can’t fit […]

Super Simple Tips to Lose Weight

Something tells us you won’t miss those extra pounds. Studies show that the simpler your diet, the easier it is to stick to over the long haul. Follow these steps to streamline your plan and shed unwanted pounds for good.