weight lifting for female beginners

3 Results

5 Benefits of Weight Lifting for Women

5 Benefits of Weight Lifting for Women : Weight lifting is a domain mainly considered to be associated with men. Women have for long stayed away from weight lifting following various prejudiced beliefs. However, time has changed, and women are starting to realize the many benefits that strength lifting can have on their health.

A Beginners Guide to Women’s Weightlifting

A Beginners Guide to Women’s Weightlifting : Despite the myths and misconceptions around women and weightlifting, strength training is activity that is empowering and intensely beneficial, with a trifecta of physical, mental, and cognitive proven benefits.

Immense potential of weight training for women

Immense potential of weight training for women : Not so long ago, weight training was considered an activity that only men could engage in. Women shied away from it thinking that it could messes up their feminine shape should they actively engage in weight training. Women were supposed to look ‘feminine’ and weight training was viewed as an activity that went […]