Immense potential of weight training for women

Immense potential of weight training for women : Not so long ago, weight training was considered an activity that only men could engage in. Women shied away from it thinking that it could messes up their feminine shape should they actively engage in weight training. Women were supposed to look ‘feminine’ and weight training was viewed as an activity that went against this ideology.

They, therefore, avoided it like the plague. In doing so, the result was poor health brought about by a lack of exercise. To reduce instances of poor health and to keep fit, women are now embracing the idea of weight training and exercises. They visit the gym and lift weights juts as their male counterparts. The benefits of training in weight are immense and here are just but a few of them.


1. It helps with shape definition.

Weight training, just like other forms of fitness, results in weight loss. What makes weight training special is the fact that it promotes uniform and defined loss of weight. This structured weight loss leads to better shape formation and definition. As a woman, you will be able to acquire that sexy figure that you have always been yearning for and your clothes will look good on you. This will give your confidence and self-esteem a massive boost.


2. Improved metabolism.

Weight training improves body metabolism and this enhances the rate at which food is broken down in the body. You require sufficient energy to be able to perform your normal duties and by training in weights, you build up enough energy reserves to carry you through the entire day.

You are, therefore, able to go about your duties in a hassle-free manner. Internal metabolic activities generate waste products which have to be excreted in the right way. When you engage in weight training, you sweat a lot and this, in turn, helps you eliminate unwanted waste products from the body.


3. Improves bones structure.

The bones in a human being are responsible for gait and stability. Bones, combined with muscles, are what give you the strength to go about your activities on a daily basis. You should, therefore, strive to maintain your bones in the best condition and one way to do that is with weight training. Weight training builds the density of your bones and this way you are able to withstand greater pressure.

When people age, the bones and muscles in their bodies wither! This happens to both men and women and the fact that it is a natural process makes it inevitable. The best you can do is to try and slow down the process and one way to do that is with weight training. It should be noted that you don’t have to be at the gym to train in weights.

You can still do it at home by using items within the house as weights. You can also use your body as a weight by engaging in activities such as push-ups and squats.


4. Training improves your sleeping habits.

If you’ve been experiencing trouble sleeping, then a workout session with weights could be what you need to sleep like a baby. Women deal with a lot of stuff on a daily basis and this is quite stressing. You would expect that they would sleep soundly at the end of the day due to exhaustion but the reality is that most struggle with sleeplessness. The result of this is restlessness the next day.

Their efficiency in their activities also diminishes and their output whether at home or in the offices becomes poor. Weight training stimulates the production of endorphin when you work out. Endorphin is a feel good hormone that reduces feelings of anxiety and depression. At the end of a work out session, not only will you feel energetic but cheerful as well. With reduced feelings of stress, you will sleep soundly and wake up feeling fresh and energized.



Women have a lot to gain from training in weights. You will feel stronger and this empowers you to face the challenges life throws your way. For the best results in weight training, you should make 5-htp supplements part of your diet.




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Immense potential of weight training for women

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