
Showing 15 of 37 Results

Keto Certified Bar – What to look for when buying one?

Keto Certified Bar – What to look for when buying one? Keto diet is undoubtedly one of the most rigorous diets when it comes to reducing the carbohydrates intake. It takes a lot of will and persistence to give up your regular carbs inclusive diet in order to start one based on fats.

How Much Do You Need to Run to Lose Weight?

How Much Do You Need to Run to Lose Weight? Considered as one of the most dynamic exercises, running can effectively help burn calories and reduce weight, and most people are doing it these days. Running allows you to burn more calories which in turn lead to weight loss. Combining it with a healthy diet, (such as oatmeal diet) that includes […]

Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss

Breakfast Ideas for Weight Loss : All people know it’s very important to eat in the morning, but preparing breakfast part of a losing weight meal plan requires efforts. You might be curious if such a thing as a healthy breakfast even exists with such traditional morning food as buttery toast, sausage, bacon and pancakes. I want to tell you […]

Key tips for Setting effective and Successful Weight Loss Goals

When we aim to lose weight, we need to use a concentrated approach to help prevent setbacks and delays. In order to be at the top with your weight loss goals, you must have a weight loss mindset. Thus, setting a realistic weight loss goal is one of the most efficient ways to ensure that we are taking appropriate steps […]

Hormone deficiency in brain may cause binge eating

Hormone deficiency in brain may cause binge eating : Absence of an hormone in the brain may trigger overeating behaviour in people who eat for pleasure rather than hunger, researchers report. In the lab experiments, researchers found that when the “glucagon like peptide-1” (GLP-1) hormone was reduced in the central nervous system of mice, they overate and consumed more high […]

Possible obesity gene discovered

Possible obesity gene discovered : Scientists have discovered a gene that plays an important role in causing obesity. The gene encodes a protein responsible for production and growth of fat cells, showed the findings that point the way to a possible drug therapy for obesity.

Yo-yo dieting not linked to cancer risk in women

A new study suggests that yo-yo dieting or weight cycling is not associated with increased risk of cancer in women. American Cancer Society investigators found that weight cycling was not associated with overall risk of cancer in men or women after adjusting for Body Mass Index and other factors.

How to lose weight in 1 month

When a reunion, first date, wedding or some major event is looming in the distance, the first thing you would want to do is shed those extra kilos. However, your best month long strategy for weight loss should involve sustainable habits that you can maintain even one month after your weight loss deadline. Burning calories through physical activity and decreasing […]

Super Simple Tips to Lose Weight

Something tells us you won’t miss those extra pounds. Studies show that the simpler your diet, the easier it is to stick to over the long haul. Follow these steps to streamline your plan and shed unwanted pounds for good. 

Reasons to Have a Massage

Have you ever thought about good reasons to get a massage? Massages help relieve stress, relax your muscles and mind and help you sleep. More than just a frivolous indulgence, massages could become an important part of your life. Read on to learn a few great reasons to treat yourself to a massage today.

Get Back into Shape after Giving Birth

During pregnancy your body changed a lot, that’s why getting back into shape after giving birth can be very tough. However, if you do the right things and make the right moves, you will get back to your pre-baby body in no time! Check out a few best ways to get back into shape after giving birth.

Ways to Achieve Your Happy Weight

If you think you just cannot find your own happy weight, I’d like to share with you a few ways to achieve it. First of all you need to understand what happy weight is. Instead of focusing on the numbers on your scale, you need to be focused more on finding your happy weight and set your behavior goals. Eat […]