why is it important for older adults to exercise?

4 Results

10 Ways to Ensure You Stay Fit Well into Your Senior Years

10 Ways to Ensure You Stay Fit Well into Your Senior Years : People are getting older, and not only that, they are living much longer than ever before. The population is growing with new babies born and seniors living well into their seventies, eighties, and nineties. As someone who is looking to stay fit well into their senior years, the […]

5 Types Of Group Exercise For Seniors

5 Types Of Group Exercise For Seniors : It can be hard to get into exercising, especially if you have never been a really active person. But getting older is no excuse to stop exercising altogether. It can be hard to motivate yourself to exercise when you get a bit older, so you should try exercising in a group instead […]

5 Key Benefits for Staying Active as You Age

5 Key Benefits for Staying Active as You Age : American adults are not exercising enough. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, less than one-quarter of adults get enough exercise. This percentage drops even lower as Americans grow older. Opting not to exercise is a mistake for several different reasons. Perhaps most significant is that exercise is a proven way to […]