What The Eyes Could Say
The eyes are strong indicators of romance and attraction. They can express, flirt, and even seduce much better than words. Eye contact may not mean anything if it only happens briefly. But once it lasts longer and with an intense look, he or she is definitely into you. Winking will also work, but it does require right timing. Another strong evidence of attraction is when one would catch your eye, then look away, then back at you again. But, if he or she would look away and never look back again, it is a clear sign that he or she is not interested.
Smile And Facial Expressions
The smile is one of the greatest sign that he or she likes you. It means that he is truly interested, comfortable, and enjoying. But make sure you know how to determine a forced smile from a sincere one. Raising the eyebrows, although unconsciously done, has also been observed to be done by people flirting with each other.
Magic Of Touch
Sometimes, leaning towards another is just not enough. Closing the distance is much better. A light tap or stroking of the arm could send electric signals to another person. Most of people would pretend that there is a smudge on the face or lint on the clothes just to have a reason to touch.
Difference Of Men And Women
Compared to men, women can send signals of attraction five times stronger. They have more flirting habits than men and most of them are done intentionally. They love to preen, play with their hair, tossing the hair over the shoulder, and play something with their hands such as a wine glass. Most women are also quite good in seduction and teasing men, especially when they involve their lips. Biting and licking their lips, putting on lipstick, eating or drinking slowly are the usual moves of an interested woman.
Meanwhile, men usually try to appear masculine to show their prowess to the women they like by giving them a look at their full length. They would try to stand taller, square their shoulders, and sometimes hook their thumbs into the belt for that macho aura. They also unconsciously touch their ties or collar, and this means they find you irresistible.
Signals Of An Invitation
You would determine if a person likes you if he or she would give the following signs: prolonged aye contact, raising of eyebrows, smiling back, laughing with you, leaning, closing the distance, imitation of actions of the partner, touching, preening, and the like. If you received these signs, it means there is a big possibility that you could take your interaction to a higher level.
Signs Indicating “No!”
A person is most likely not interested when he or she never glances back at you. You can also determine that person is starting to get bored or uninterested in you when his or her eyes start to wander, sigh, yawn, have a passive or neutral facial expression, and the like.
The signals of body language in terms of romance and attraction are easy to detect if you know how to interpret one’s actions. Understanding gestures and body movements of another person can definitely help you know in advance if you can be intimate together or be rejected.
Body Language: Signs Of Falling In Love
How can you tell that a person is already falling in love with you? A person’s body language can spell out his or her true feelings and intentions for you. A person in love has that certain glow every time he or she is with that special person, but what are the other signs?
You will notice that a person is already falling for you if he can’t stand being far from you, gives more smiles and laughter, mirror your actions, cannot keep his eyes off you, and have that certain glow.
Personal Space And Distance
A person in love with you would look for several ways just to be closer to you. You will know that a person’s personal space has gotten smaller when he or she gets comfortable with you even in the slightest distance. And notice if in a room full of people, he will always try to stay close to you.
That person would also tend to lean his body towards you, whether when sitting down or standing up. The direction of his or her body would be always turned towards you. If not, then the direction of her eyes will show who is in her mind.
More Touch, Smiles, And Laughter
A person who is starting to fall for you would listen to you more, thus would give more reactions than he or she did during your first dates. There would be more laughter even for the cheesiest jokes. While talking, one will find in inevitable from smiling, especially during silence. This is because that person is truly enjoying his or her time with you.
He or she would also touch you from time to time. A tap on the shoulder, placing the hand on the small of the back, hugging, and holding the hands are some of the most common touching body language in falling in love.
The Mirroring Actions
This is a funny yet very sweet signal of attraction since it is done unconsciously most of the time. This is where a person would imitate the actions of that special person. For example, you will prop your chin onto your hand, the person in love with you will follow that specific action.
The Longer Stare
A person in love with you simply cannot take his eyes off you. Most especially when the feeling has just begun to develop, he or she would find difficulty in concentrating on other things. The stare is usually intimate or intense, and it is accompanied with a slight smile.
That Certain Glow
Somehow unexplainable, a person has a certain aura around him or her when he or she is in love and happy. It is due to the extreme happiness and joy coming from the inside, and this is well-reflected with a sparkle in the eyes and a smile that is hard to remove from the face.
When a person falls in love, it changes him entirely and this is reflected in his or her body language. Some people fail to notice this, but these signs are definitely there. The person himself is even unaware that he is already providing hints and clues about his true feelings for that special someone. Most people find them hard to miss, and would love these signals of deep attraction sent through the silence but delivered by simple romantic actions and gestures.
Be Happy – The Body Language Can Express Your Love.