The Ultimate Guide to Head Bicep Exercises for Women

The Ultimate Guide to Head Bicep Exercises for Women : Maintaining “in shape” means having a healthy and functional physique for your daily needs. That’s why you need strong biceps to overcome daily hard work – and that’s possible through bicep exercises!

From classic curls to cutting-edge variations, we’ve compiled the best exercises to target your biceps and help you achieve your fitness goals.

So, say goodbye to weak arms and hello to a sculpted upper body as we dive into the ultimate guide to head bicep exercises! Let’s get started!

What Are the Biceps?

The biceps brachii (BB), also known simply as the biceps, is a large, thick muscle located on the ventral side of the upper arm. They are a distinguished arm muscle group often associated with aesthetics and strength. The biceps have two primary heads – the short head and the long head biceps. Both play different roles in arm flexion and overall bicep development.

Long Head vs. Short Head Bicep

This may be a bit confusing to a non-medical reader. However, if you follow closely, you will understand. The biceps muscle in your upper arm has two parts called the long head bicep and the short head bicep. They start from different places in your shoulder and have different functions.

Both the long head and the short head help you bend your elbow and rotate your forearm, but they also have other jobs. The long head helps you lift your arm forward and sideways, and it helps stabilize your shoulder joint during arm movements. It also keeps the tendon aligned properly in the groove in your upper arm bone, so it doesn’t get displaced.

The short head is mainly responsible for bending your elbow and rotating your forearm outward, and it also helps stabilize the groove along with the long head. Moreover, to achieve well-rounded and fully developed biceps, it is crucial to target both muscles through long head and short head bicep exercises.

Let’s discuss the exercises that target both parts of the biceps, suitable for both men and women.

Short Head Bicep Exercises

Although there are various short-head biceps exercises, this guide discusses the three common ones. They include:

  1. Concentration Curls

    Generally, the concentration curls are an isolation exercise that targets the biceps, particularly the short head. To perform the concentration curl:

    • Sit on a bar with a dumbbell in one hand,
    • Rest your elbow on the inner part of your thigh,
    • Let the dumbbell hang toward the floor and curl it towards your shoulder while keeping your upper arm stationary,
    • At the highest point of the movement, contract your biceps by squeezing them,
    • Lower the dumbbell back down with control and repeat for the desired number of reps.
    • Switch arms and perform the exercise again
  2. Cable Curl

    Although the cable curl is versatile and targets both the long-head and the short-head biceps, it focuses more on the short-head biceps. To perform the cable curl:

    • Stand facing a cable machine with a straight bar attachment or a good attachment,
    • Hold the attachment with an overhand or underhand grip,
    • Keep your elbows close to your sides and curl the attachment toward your shoulders,
    • At the highest point of the movement, contract your biceps by squeezing them,
    • Lower the attachment with control and repeat for the desired number of reps.
      The cable curl provides tension on the biceps throughout the movement, making it an effective exercise for growth and muscle activation.
  3. Barbell or Dumbbell Curl

    This is a traditional short head bicep exercise that targets the short head biceps. It involves curling a barbell or dumbbell towards the chest, with your palms facing up. This is one of the fundamental short head bicep exercises and can be performed using various grips and variations.

    To perform this exercise:

    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart,
    • Hold a barbell with an underhand grip,
    • Keep your elbows close to your side and curl the barbell toward your shoulder,
    • At the highest point of the movement, contract your biceps by squeezing them,
    • Lower the barbell down with control and repeat for the desired reps.
      Having examined the top 3 short head bicep exercises, let’s also discuss some common types of long head biceps exercises below.

Long Head Biceps Exercises

Below are some of the exercises that target the long head biceps:

  1. Hammer Curls

    Hammer curls are not only great for the long head of the biceps. They are as well a great exercise for the brachialis muscle, which is located below the biceps. To perform this exercise:

    • With the palms of your hands facing your thighs, grasp a pair of dumbbells.
    • Let your arms hang by your sides,
    • Keep your elbows close to your sides,
    • Curl the dumbbells toward your shoulder, and
    • Lower the back down with control.
      You can repeat this exercise for the desired number of reps. It is noteworthy that this can only be performed with barbells, dumbbells, or a resistance band.
  2. Preacher Curls

    Preacher curls are an isolation exercise that specifically targets the long head biceps. To perform this exercise:

    • Sit with your arms spread on a preacher’s bench.
    • Grasp a barbell or dumbbell with your palms facing upward in an underhand grip,
    • Curl the weight toward your shoulders,
    • Squeeze your biceps at the top movement,
    • Lower your weight back down and repeat for as long as you want.
      This exercise allows for a wide range of motion and isolation of the biceps. This makes it effective for the long head of the biceps.
  3. Barbell or Dumbbell Overhead Press

    The barbell or dumbbell overhead press exercise targets the long head of the shoulder–deltoid muscle. It involves lifting a barbell or dumbbell from shoulder height to overhead, engaging the long head of the deltoid muscle as the main mover. To perform this exercise:

    • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart,
    • Hold a barbell with an underhand grip,
    • Keep your elbows close to your side and curl the barbell toward your shoulder,
    • At the highest point of the movement, contract your biceps by squeezing them,
    • Lower the barbell down with control and repeat for the desired number of reps.
  4. Pull-Ups or Chin-Ups

    This exercise mainly targets the latissimus dorsi (lats) muscles, which have a long head that originates from the lower back and runs up to the shoulder. To perform the chin-up:

    • Find a sturdy horizontal bar that supports your weight.
    • Grasp the bar with your palms directed towards your body, while keeping your hands positioned at a shoulder-width distance from each other.
    • Suspend yourself from the bar,
    • Pull your body toward the bar and concentrate on your biceps,
    • Lower your weight with control and repeat for the number of desired reps.
      If you’re new to chin-ups, you can start with the assisted chin-up, which uses a resistance band or a machine until you build enough strength.


Building a well-developed biceps demands targeting both the short head and the long head of the biceps through various exercises. The combination of compound and isolation exercises, as well as different attachments and grips, can help you achieve a fully developed set of biceps.

However, ensure you use proper form and begin with weights best suited for your fitness stage before increasing the weight as you progress. Also, pay attention to your body and avoid overtraining, as rest and recovery are vital for muscle growth. Happy lifting!

Frequently Asked Questions About Head Bicep Exercises for Men and Women

  1. Do We Have Different Biceps Exercises for Men and Women?

    No! The common bicep exercises are the same, as the anatomy of the biceps in both genders is similar. However, the repetitions, sets, and weight may vary depending on individual goals and fitness level.,

  2. How Often Can I Do Bicep Exercise to Get Results?

    The frequency of your exercise depends on your overall workout routine and goals. Generally, it is advised to include bicep exercises as a routine exercise that focuses on all major muscle groups.

  3. Is It Advisable to Do Bicep Exercise If I Have a History of Arm Injuries?

    It is recommended that you consult with a healthcare professional or certified fitness trainer before performing any resistance training, which includes bicep exercises. The professionals can examine your condition and guide you on exercise form.




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The Ultimate Guide to Head Bicep Exercises for Women

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