What Steps Should You Take to Learn CPR? : Did you know heart attacks affect one person every 40 seconds in the United States? Learning CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) can improve your career, health, and self-esteem.
Are you wondering how to learn CPR? Do you want to help during a medical emergency but need help figuring out where to begin? With today’s class offerings and at-home certification, getting started has always been challenging.
When you know CPR, you become empowered to save a loved one or a stranger. In these actions, you may also learn a lot about yourself.
Here are a few tips as you begin your quest to get certified in CPR.
Understand the Basic Steps of Rescue Breathing and Chest Compression
If the victim is not breathing, begin chest compressions at 100-120 compressions per minute. Open the victim’s airway by positioning their head and chin correctly. Then, pinch their nostrils shut, seal your mouth over the victim’s, and use a rescue breath.
Continue to perform 30 chest compressions for every two breaths. Lastly, recheck the victim’s airway and breathing. If the victim is still not breathing, the cycle should continue until help arrives.
Acquire Hands-on Experience and Training
Find a local class or program that offers CPR training and instruction. These courses are often offered in community centers, health clubs, or hospitals.
Before signing up for a class, have the American Heart Association’s CPR course material to get the most out of the training. When attending the course, there will likely be an instructor to explain and demonstrate the techniques, as well as other students who are more experienced in CPR who can offer guidance and advice.
Familiarize Yourself with AEDs and Their Function
AEDs can shock a victim’s heart back into a normal rhythm and is often the most effective way to save a life. To familiarize yourself with AEDs, read educational articles, watch online videos, and attend a CPR/AED certification course.
Take every opportunity to learn CPR and practice using an AED, as it is an acquired skill. Ask questions, get comfortable reading AED instruction labels, and use the device in emergencies.
Research Local CPR Certification Classes
After researching local classes, one should contact the instructor to get more information about the course and schedule a training time. Ensuring the instructor’s certification is valid, and the system is accredited is also essential.
Before attending a class, determine what equipment you need and ensure you have the right supplies. This will include CPR manikins, medical masks, and other supplies the instructor may require. Once you are ready to attend a class, arrive early and be prepared to learn.
Ask the instructor questions and be willing to work to become certified. You can visit https://cprcertificationnow.com to find a suitable class and instructors immediately.
Learn CPR the Right Way With These Essential Steps
CPR is a potentially life-saving skill that everyone should know. Taking the time to learn CPR basics can equip you with the knowledge necessary to help someone in an emergency. By taking the initiative and learning CPR, you can be instrumental in saving a life.
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