How to Handle Emergency Cases of Head Trauma

How to Handle Emergency Cases of Head Trauma : Have you suffered trauma to your head? It can be one of the scariest experiences. However, knowing how to respond to such emergencies could make a huge difference in your health.

Head trauma is a common cause of traumatic brain injury. It can affect the functioning of your brain, hence reducing your quality of life. In 2019, there were about 61,000 deaths resulting from TBI.

Here are a few tips for handling emergency cases of TBI.

Differentiate Minor Bumps From Head Injuries

A minor bump on the head is nothing to worry about. It is a common injury that is unlikely to cause any major issues. However, head injuries can be problematic. It would be best if you looked out for signs of a concussion. Urgent care for concussion can prevent it from getting worst.

Here are a few signs that you may have a concussion.

  • Inability to answer questions fast
  • Inability to remember events right before or after the head trauma
  • Moving clumsily
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Moodiness and general personality changes
  • Confusion and inability to concentrate
  • Feeling groggy or sluggish
  • headache
  • Inability to handle noise or light
  • Blurry or double vision
  • Poor balance

Since it may be difficult to differentiate head injuries from minor bumps, you should seek medical attention whenever you suffer trauma to your head.

When Should You See a Doctor?

Moderate to severe head injuries may need immediate medical attention. If you have symptoms that last two weeks or more, you would be wise to seek medical help.

Unfortunately, concussion symptoms may not be apparent immediately. Sometimes, you may notice them days or weeks after the injury.

If you have sustained an injury to the head, you would be wise to seek medical attention even if there are no symptoms. Even the mildest injuries can pose significant risk.

How Do Doctors Diagnose Concussions?

When you consult a doctor, they will ask about your injury and how it happened. They will ask for your medical history and examine your neck, head, and face.

They may ask a few questions to determine your mental state. Since concussions often cause confusion, your doctor will test your problem-solving abilities, memory, and concentration.

They will examine your:

  • Communication ability
  • Ability to keep your eyes open
  • Motor responses

Depending on the severity of your injury, they may need to perform a brain scan.

Administering First Aid

If you have a mild head injury, you can ease it with a cold pack application. It will reduce swelling and redness. While taking Tylenol may be a good idea, it would be best to avoid NSAIDs unless a doctor prescribes them.

Check on the head injury regularly in the first 24 hours. If the injured person loses consciousness or appears to be confused, it is important to seek medical help. When trying to control the injury, avoid using alcohol and drugs.

You would also be wise to avoid contact sports and driving. Minimize physical activity and get as much rest as possible.

In case of a severe head injury, minimize movement as it could worsen things. If the injured person was wearing a helmet, do not try to remove it.

There are different types of head injuries. While some are mild, others can be life-threatening. If you have injured your head in a car accident, contact sports, or through a fall, you would be wise to seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Since the effects of a concussion may not be felt immediately, you don’t want to take any chances. It would also be great to seek medical help if you have symptoms of a head injury that have lasted two weeks or longer.




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How to Handle Emergency Cases of Head Trauma

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