Tips To Make Any Daybed Style An Elegant Addition To Your Studio Bedroom : When you move into your first studio apartment, or your parents create one for you in or around their home, furnishing it is the top (and most fun) task at hand. When you live, eat, sleep, and unwind all within the same space, you have to make use of furniture that serves more than one purpose. Daybeds are the best place to start.
A daybed is technically a bed with a real bed mattress, but on a frame that resembles a deep sofa. When you pile the back of the daybed high with pillows, it looks enough like a sofa to make you less self-conscious about having company coming over to sit on it.
There are some other benefits to using a daybed as well, depending on the style you get. If you get a good platform twin daybed, you can get one that has built-in drawer storage beneath the mattress instead of open space. That drawer storage could eliminate the need for a dresser or chest of drawers, giving you more space to work with.
If you are looking for an elegant style for your studio, you might be wary of ordering a daybed like the one described above. It may not look like an elegant daybed in the online furniture catalog, but you can make it so with a bit of creativity and effort.
Here are a few ways you can decorate your daybed to make it seem a bit more elegant than functional.
Repurpose gauzy curtains to drape the daybed
Even if the daybed doesn’t have posts to give you a frame for draping fabric, you can still use this interior design trick. Use sturdy thumbtacks or other appropriate fasteners for your ceiling to pin the fabric in place and make it appear as though it is draped like curtains. Anyone not looking up will never really think about it, and even those who notice will think it’s a creative use of the trend.
Make or purchase a dust ruffle
If you’re worried about storage under the daybed looking too utilitarian or simply the wrong style for the room, hide it by making a dust ruffle slightly bigger than the mattress so that it hangs down in front of the anterior storage. Not crafty enough to make your own? Get a dust ruffle for a size bigger than your actual mattress so that there will be some overhang.
Dress it appropriately
The best thing about a daybed is that it comes to your door as a blank slate, waiting for you to design it as you wish. The real work in studio interior design comes with decorating the daybed more than the type of daybed that you buy. If you want an elegant daybed, use throw pillows with lacy edges, pillow shams with intricate embroidery, and other decors you would normally buy for a couch to create the look. You can get a lot of ideas for how to make a daybed elegant when you look through online daybed catalogs.
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Tips To Make Any Daybed Style An Elegant Addition To Your Studio Bedroom
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