Sometime, you might have come across phonological ambiguity. It sounds pretty complicated, but what it means is that the brain does not distinguish easily the difference between two words that sound alike but have different meanings. Before translating the meaning into its own sense to act upon, it takes few seconds to understand the reference in which that particular word is coming to it.
For example let us take the word ‘nose,’ which represents the part of your face that you use to smell things and the word ‘knows,’ which represents the fact that you understand something or have a certain amount of knowledge on a situation. They have the same phonetic pronunciation and sound alike. That is why the brain cannot distinguish between the two of them. In other words, they are ambiguous within your mind and can be understood interchangeably if the reference is not there readily available.
It happens repeatedly when you are talking to someone on phone. That is why it is called phonological ambiguity. You can use this knowledge to influence just about anyone to do anything that you want.
How? This you know that within each of us is a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind thinks, computes, calculates and can perform various other functions that involve “thinking.” But the subconscious mind on the other hand does not think; it simply exists. It makes rapid-fire decisions without you even realizing it, based on every previous experience you had in life. These are embedded commands to leverage the power of this truth. Embedded commands, or analog marking, are the idea of marking out certain words in a statement that you are making. Some time you use some words unknowingly – they become a part of your habitual utterances. These utterances are also embedded commands of the subconscious mind.
Many of these commands can be broken down to three word commands. So the key is to break down the action that you want the person to take in just three words. For example, let’s say you wanted your friend to go to the store to pick you up some food, the only three words that need to be a part of this command are “Go to store.” This command is sufficient to advise him impliedly to bring some food from the store.
But what makes embedded commands so interesting is that you are taking and formatting them in a way that is covert or so the person does not realize that they are receiving a command; but rest assured, they are.
This is what makes embedded commands so powerful. Essentially, we can insert them into parts of conversations that have nothing to do with the command itself and get the person to do exactly what we want them to do.
All you simply need to do is make a statement to someone and insure that the three words essential to the command are in place, you just need to slightly emphasize them more.
For instance, using the example of wanting someone to go to the store for you, you could use a statement like this (simply put more emphasis on the words in bold): I was trying to find someone’s house the other day, but wasn’t sure which way to go so I asked two people and they said drive up to the next store. What you have done here is created a statement that has absolutely nothing to do with what you want this person to do, yet they will eventually comply, because the command “Go to Store” was embedded in the statement.
What makes this technique so great is that it can be used in text messages and e-mails, just as it can in verbal communication. When using it on both platforms, simply change the way the commands look in some aspect by either capitalizing or changing the font or making the words bigger.
Remember, it doesn’t matter that I used the word two (which represents the number) in place of the word “to” because the mind can make a distinction anyway. That makes the technique even more covert.
The key here is to just make sure that the commands have a slightly higher emphasis put on them than the rest of the words. Notice that I said “slightly higher.” The idea is not to shout these words in a way that you bring attention to what you’re doing just simply modify them in some way to make them stand out in the person’s mind. Use this really cool trick to get in the zone. Isn’t it amazing how you can stop a 200 ton boat did which tracks by simply dropping an anchor into the sea?
Anchors are extremely powerful and useful when it comes to keeping things in place and preventing them from drifting away. Well what if I told you there was a way to do this with your positive emotions? We’ve all had time in our lives when we felt more confident, more powerful and more skilled in a certain area.
And we’ve all certainly had those times were we felt like no matter what we tried, nothing seemed to work. Did you ever notice that in both positive and negative mind states, we seem to build momentum in both cases? In other words, when we’re in a state of positivism, we just seem to build on that and enter what is known as the “zone”. And when we are in a state of negativity, we feel like “when it rains, it pours”.
Anchoring will basically allow you to effectively achieve the positive mental state of being in the zone and then remain in that place just as an anchor holds a ship in place. It is a very useful tool. As the word implies, anchoring has to do with setting something up that will take firm hold in place.
What makes anchors so powerful is that you can use them to hold positive mental states in place including confidence, attraction, intelligence, humor, etc. But you can also anchor older people to prevent them from drifting away. Anchors are also talk to the concepts around you and when bringing all of these elements together, you can achieve things like making someone think you are funny even if you are generally not a funny person.
You can also anchor someone into thinking that you are extremely confident; here’s how you can do, I may suggest:
Anchoring yourself with confidence happens alone. When you anchor someone to yourself, that happens with someone else. Do not do this while driving, but what I would like you to do is to close your eyes and remember the time when you were confident. It can be anything.
Examples are a birthday party, walking across the road and doing a good deed or anything else even if basic that you can pick out that made you feel confident. With your eyes closed, I would like you to remember yourself in that situation.
Whatever was going on is going on now in your mind. Paint the scene; see the colors and the people, if there are any. Smell the scent in the air. Does it smell good or bad? Does it smell like you are indoors or outdoors, like something new or old? Perhaps you just smell the clean air? What do you hear? Are people applauding, talking? Are their other sounds like those of birds?
Most importantly, how do you feel? How does it feel emotionally? Pretty good? Of course you do because you accomplished something and that feels good. It does not have to be an accomplishment; it can simply be that today I feel good.
I have some sunglasses on, my hair is fixed up just so and I am wearing certain clothes as I sit in a nice car. I feel good. It can be anything but you are there now, in your memory. At that time when you felt really good, you felt confident. Notice the calmness that comes with that. Once we accomplish something and feel good, we can relax and think that we are worthy and we are a good person. Just kind of soak that in now and feel how good that is.
I now want you to turn everything upside down a bit – The sounds, the smells and everything. Feel it more intensely and feel the clothes on your body. You notice how we are using the three major representational systems, auditory, visual and kinesthetic. Something to see, hear and feel inside and out.
Also, pay attention to the odors and any other senses that you want. Make everything intense now and especially that sense of feeling good. It feels good to be you right in this moment in your memory. Feel the moment more intensely.
Good. What I want you to do is make the OK sign with your right hand. That means touching the tip of your right index finger to the tip of your right thumb, as if you were saying „okay to someone. I want you to also say the word “Power” and to do that now. Good. I want you to slowly open your eyes. What we have done is installed an anchor for confidence. The next time you feel the lack of power or confidence in any situation, all you have to do is make the okay sound with your right hand and say the word “Power”. That feeling of confidence will come back to you. You can use such tools whenever you are exposing yourself to some audience.
Be Happy – Win Your Audience by Modifying Yourself (Part 2)