Wondering How to Use Turmeric for Muscle Pain? Here are Some Easy Ways!

Wondering How to Use Turmeric for Muscle Pain? : Muscle soreness is part and parcel of being an athlete, no matter how many years you have worked out. Lifting heavy weights in the gym and doing hour-long cardio can make your muscles stiff. Giving your best in the gym can be liberating, but the muscle soreness leading up to that is not quite pleasant.

Taking medications daily is not a good idea. However, natural remedies such as using turmeric can come quite in handy. Turmeric has been a staple spice of Ayurveda for hundreds of years and is linked with inflammation. If you are an athlete, turmeric should be a staple in your diet to keep swelling and inflammation at bay.

This article is all about turmeric and its significance in reducing muscle soreness. Dive right in for some tips and tricks to keep swelling and muscle pain away. Let’s start!

What is Muscle Soreness?

Do you see swelling and redness in your muscles after a hardcore workout? Our bodies function very much on our immune system’s responses. When we overwork your muscles, our immune system detects irritants within our body. The target area often swells up and becomes red which are signs of inflammation.

Inflammation is quite irritating for athletes as it can hinder their performance in games and in the gym. People often have to take good care of themselves, especially if they work out regularly. The sweet pain in muscles can hamper your performance. Professional athletes take prescribed medicines for it; however, it is not the best.

Is Turmeric Effective for Muscle Soreness?

Most Ayurveda studies indicate the power of turmeric and its natural healing properties. However, people from the west have recently started recognizing the strength of turmeric and its wonderful properties. Wondering if turmeric is effective for muscle soreness? Here are a few reasons:

  • Anti-inflammatory Properties

    One of the main reasons why some athletes swear by turmeric is its anti-inflammatory properties. When your muscle is under a lot of stress, extra fluid tries to reach the immunity cells. It causes a lot of swelling and redness in the region.

    Turmeric has a bioactive compound known as curcumin which has exceptional anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in bringing down the swelling and also reducing pain. If you are an athlete who works out regularly, 500 mg of turmeric daily works best.

  • Boosts Immunity

    Turmeric may seem like a spice that only adds color to the food, but it is much more. It helps in strengthening immunity and increasing your body’s ability to fight petty health issues. One of the best parts about turmeric is its high antioxidant levels.

    Our body is often exposed to many environmental free radicals, which can ruin our immune system. The antioxidants help in flushing out toxins from our bodies and reducing oxidative stress. Hence, it also helps in fast muscle recovery and reduces soreness. However, you must take turmeric in the required amount to see effective results.

  • Rich in Curcumin

    Doctors highly recommend curcumin supplements to patients dealing with arthritis and inflammation. Not turmeric helps with muscle soreness and recovery; curcumin is the main hero. Turmeric is high in curcumin and has great anti-inflammatory properties, reducing pain and redness.

    Turmeric supplements are a higher source of curcumin than raw turmeric. Hence, most people prefer supplements to them in their natural form. However, you can get enough curcumin if you have enough turmeric daily.

How to use Turmeric for Muscle Soreness?

Do you often experience muscle soreness and inflammation after a hardcore workout session? Swearing buckets in the gym can leave you aching, as liberating as it is. Turmeric can help with faster muscle recovery, and we are here to let you in on some secret ways we like to use it. Here you go:

  • Soaking in Turmeric Water

    People recommend taking hot showers for muscle soreness, which works magically. However, soaking in hot turmeric water can help even more. If you have a bathtub, make good use of it to eliminate the exhaustion.

    Fill the tub with hot but bearable water, and add Himalayan salt and turmeric. Soak your body into the water for at least 20 minutes and take a regular shower afterward. Don’t add too much turmeric as it can stain your skin.

  • Turmeric and Honey Pack

    Muscle soreness can be painful, and inflammation makes it even more uncomfortable. You can use a honey and turmeric pack if a certain muscle in your body is badly inflamed. Mix a few teaspoons of turmeric with honey and form a smooth paste. Apply the paste to the inflamed muscle and let it soak the benefits of turmeric.

    To keep the turmeric paste in place and avoid smearing, you can bandage it. Keep the turmeric paste on overnight for faster results. You can also eat a few turmeric pills to avoid severe muscle soreness in the future.


Muscle soreness can happen after a long day of hard physical work or a few hours at the gym. However, it shouldn’t stop you from your daily activities the following day. You can use the remedies we discussed above to get rid of them faster. However, you should consider a doctor if inflammation is bad.




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Wondering How to Use Turmeric for Muscle Pain? Here are Some Easy Ways!

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