Being disorganized is one of the common causes of stress. Time management is the key to organize your work at home and at the workplace, thus lessening the stress you may feel. Prioritizing the most important job and writing down you duties and activities everyday is the proper way of managing you time.
Keeping a diary or journal, where you can list down your objectives, can help you assess which duty must be done first and the estimated time you can accomplish each activity. Having a schedule can also help you provide the reason when your boss gives you unreasonable tasks.
Scheduling And Listing
If you feel you are going to have another busy day either at home or at work, always write down you tasks. Will you do the grocery first? What time will you pick up your kid at home? Sometimes, giving time even to tiniest task for the day can provide you time allowance to perform your other task. You must learn to prioritize to successfully beat stress.
Everyday pick the most important task you need to complete and finish it. If you are new in making lists, never put more than five things in your list. That way, you are more likely to finish all your tasks for the day, and provide you the feeling of accomplishment and greater sense of control. Then, by the time you are getting the hang of things, move on to making your second five-item list.
Learn to delegate to lessen your work. Sometimes, there are days where you think you have too many things to do but have so little time. During these days, make a list of the things that you can delegate to family members or co-workers. By delegating, you can surely avoid stress from building up.
In the workplace, learn to say no when you find yourself in the situation where you cannot handle anymore task than you already have. There are others who cannot fully assert their own capabilities and ends up being more stressed out than others who know their limitations.
These people also often end up having even more things to do. If you are having the trouble saying no, starting small is always the best choice. In events when you have so many things to do and your boss asks you to perform even more tasks, give your boss the choice of what thing he will allow you to do first.
Tell him that you cannot perform the task he asks you to do without giving up your task at hand. Even bosses can take the hint. At home, ask your husband or wife to make their own sandwich if you cannot find the time to do that for them or ask your daughter if her friends can give her a ride home after soccer practice. All these simple requests to others who ask so much of you can help you in lessening the stress that you can encounter.
Other Time Management Tips
People who are perfectionists often cannot help it if they feel stress at the end of each day. If you are a perfectionist, prioritize the task that needs meticulous attention to detail and finish it first. Always accomplish the items in your first list first before moving on to the second. This way you can avoid jumping from one list to another.
Everyday, remember that you need time to rest and relax for a while. Include in the list your work breaks and as much as possible, to things that would physically and mentally take you away from you work. Lastly, try not to make major decisions when you feel overworked or anxious.
Self-Improvement For Stress Management
Stress is a part of life whether we like it or not. No matter how we try to get rid of it, it will always come back and haunt you every single day of your life. Stress can be expected as you go through your daily routine, or just come out into the open and surprise you.
Problems, big or small, can affect us emotionally, mentally and physically. Even if we keep smiling on the outside, stress usually troubles us from within. Leaving us in doubt, desperate, anxious, or even irritable if we let if get out of control. The best way to deal with stress is to not let it get a foot hold in your life. You should control it before it even begins to grow – and the secret to that success depends on you.
Body self-improvement techniques
Taking care of your body is the initial step to self-improvement. We should be sensitive to what our body needs by knowing how stress affects our physical self to adapt to it. Here are some techniques that you can use to improve your body and getting stress out of your system.
1. Give your body a break.
It is very important to know the limits of our body especially when it comes to dealing with stress. Some people would justify that the more our body is exposed to stress, the stronger we become – so not true. Our body can only do so much and will deteriorate rapidly when we exceed our capacity. If you feel some aches and pains while working, then you better take some time off and relax before it turns to something serious
2. Relax and enjoy.
To help your body relieve stress then you need to engage in some activities that will push it along the road to recovery. A massage is perfect for energizing your body while getting rid of those tight muscles that will eventually lead pain and limit your body flexibility. Pamper yourself by visiting a health at least once week; a few hours with professional hands can do wonders.
3. Exercise and sweat it out.
Indulging in physical exercise is a great way to get rid of stress while keeping your body in top shape. Not many can allocate the time and effort for a physical exercise, but if you really want a stress free life then you better accommodate. Daily 1 hour exercise can do wonders to your cardiovascular functions and keep your heart in proper working order.
Self-improvement for a stress free life
The tips above borders on the physical side of releasing stress, but your mind is till vulnerable to its attacks. Physical exercise can provides an outlet for emotional problems like anxiety, fear and depression. But your mind is something else.
Before you can dispel any stress from your life, you need to improve your coping mechanism first, and it all starts in your mind. Even if we feel the physical and emotional backlash of the problems that we face, it will always start with how you think and how you devise ways in dealing with it.
Before you can apply the tips above, you have to condition your mind by focusing on the need to improve yourself in getting rid of stress.
Be Happy – You Can Reduce Your Mental Stress by Self Improvement.