5 Organs Get Mostly Affected by Smoking : Smoking has many adverse effects on our health, and it is because of tobacco are present inside cigarettes. Not only this, many other harmful chemicals that are present in cigarettes can affect different organs, which are present in our body. Research and study have made clear that none tobacco products are safe for human health and smoking is slowly damaging our entire body.
You can find many people who are so highly addicted to smoking that they cannot stop it. Tobacco that they inhale enters the body and increase complication, which can even cause to same dangerous diseases. People usually smoke to be stress-free and relaxed, but they are in the wrong direction.
Individuals who wish to quit smoking or even wish to reduce its effect on the body must go for e-cig. It contains e-liquid which is coming in different flavors and opting for nicotine free liquid does not harm our body. One who wishes to go for vaping must opt for one of the best e-liquid, which can make him/her feel satisfied and at the same time is safer as compared to traditional smoking. An e-cigarette also completes the smoking-like experience because there are varieties that somehow look and feel like actual cigarettes. Take a look at some of them here: http://e-cigreviews.org.uk/best-vape-pen/

Organs Get Mostly Affected by Smoking
Our body is made up of different parts which are highly affected by smoking. One who wishes to have a long and healthy life must try to quit smoking or even go for best e-liquid which get used in e-cigs. One going for nicotine free e-liquid will find vaping safer as it does not affect any organs of our body,
The most affected organ of the human body by smoking is lungs. The starting symptom of it is asthma, coughs and much more, which show that lungs get affected. It is found that one who is addicted to smoking and got lungs affected by it cannot make it work properly even after quitting. Inhaling harmful chemicals can make soft the tissues of lungs and effect the respiration system. Smoking is one the reason for lung cancer and every year many people lost their life due to it.
Smoking is not only damaging internal organs of the human body, but it is also affecting our skin. The most common symptom, which shows how smoking affects our skin, is wrinkles, stretch marks and even dark circles under eyes. In all, it can damage elasticity of our skin and can cause even skin cancer in the long run. It can affect our immune system and bacteria and virus can quickly affect us, and thus one can easily get ill due to smoking.
Our body works on the circulation of blood, but when one inhales a tobacco, it enters the blood and can disturb circulation system.
- It can quickly form a clot as toxins which can enter blood can make it thicker which cannot be passed easily.
- It can increase pressure on the heart, and it will feel harder to work which can increase blood pressure. It can even cause a heart attack as the heart is not able to the function as required.
- It can affect arteries that make it harder for oxygen to reach system, which is very important for blood circulation.
It is very harmful to men as smoking can affect blood vessel, which is responsible for making blood reach penis. It will make it hard for a penis to get an erection and thus can affect sex life. It can even affect sperm and even can reduce sperm count. Women who are addicted to smoking will find it very hard to conceive as it affects fertility. One who smokes while pregnant can face miscarriage, illness and much more. In all smoking can increase chances of cervical cancer.
It is found that smokers are more easily to get stroke compared to non-smokers. It can cause brain damage and even could be the reason of death. It can affect that blood vessel wall which makes it hard to have a normal flow of blood in the brain, which is the primary cause of stroke. Stroke is very dangerous for the human body, and so one wishing to reduce it must try to quit smoking.
Smoking can cause an adverse effect in different parts of a body. It starts affecting boy slowly but in the long run can cause many significant problems and even death. It is advisable to go for e-cig which can have best e-liquid that can give the feel of smoking but are safer than cigarettes.
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5 Organs Get Mostly Affected by Smoking
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