10 Tips for Skin Care in Summer: Summer time is the most awaited time of the year as you can finally wear fashionable clothes and go off to the beach especially since the temperatures here are too cold throughout the year. The summer in the UK is the coolest on the continent as compared to other countries, yet the temperatures seem to rise up to 32°. And even with this season being so awaited, it does come with its share of problems.
Summers seem to affect your body a lot, especially your skin, hair and everything that is exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun for a prolonged period of time. Here, we give you a few tips to keep your skin intact while enjoying the sunny weather:
10 Tips for Skin Care in Summer
1. Fill yourself with water
Water is the most important ingredient for a healthy skin. 65% of our body is made up of water and drinking water not only helps in flushing out the toxins, but it also keeps all the organs functioning properly. It is the easiest method of making sure that our skin is always glowing. Good internal health shows on the skin and the glow that you achieve due to your body being clean of toxins is an indicator of the same. If you cannot get yourself to bring plain water, try it with fennel seeds or lemon, and not only will your water requirement be fulfilled but you will also get the needed anti-oxidants.
2. Eat Fruits and vegetables
Antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables are very crucial for the skin as it can help in preventing premature ageing caused due to sunlight. The rule of eating at least 5 portions of fruits in a day is the key to getting the entire essential nutrient into your body. It is advisable to eat different combinations of fruits and vegetable and a mix of colourful fruits as these colours indicate the nutrients that they may have. During summer, eating water filled fruits like melons also ensure that you stay hydrated.
3. Use sunscreen
Sunscreen is a must and you must apply it religiously even if you are not stepping out. It is agreed that the sunrays that come inside our house are not that harsh, they may still affect our skin all the same. Wrinkles and ageing are the effects of UV light and a good sunscreen will make sure that your skin is well protected. Use a sunscreen of SPF 15 and above and apply it on your face, neck, arms and legs.
4. Follow a skin care regime
How you care for your skin is totally up to you but following a skin care regime is generally more effective as compared to irregular skin care. Regular skincare means that you are cleaning your skin at regular intervals which will mean that there is no chance of dirt clogging in your skin and making it a breeding ground for bacteria. Activities like cleaning, toning, and moisturising on a daily basis will go a long way in maintaining your skin health. Using good quality products is important else they may end up harming your skin. You can purchase good quality toners and moisturisers from www.hotuksavings.co.uk at discounted prices.
5. Wash your face and bathe regularly
This is a no brainer as washing and bathing are necessities. In summer, you will sweat a lot. Washing face at least 4 to 5 times a day will make you feel fresh and also keep from sweat getting collected on your face. Bathing twice a day will ensure that the sweat is cleaned off regularly and skin in all the areas of your body is cared for. As certain areas of the body are more inclined to being sweaty and harbour bacteria, it is better to have hygienic habits which will result in good skin care.
6. Avoid harsh chemicals
Harsh chemicals like bleach end up doing more harm than good to your skin. Chemical based makeup products are also not good for the skin as these will be heavy on your face making you feel tired. If you must use make-up, go for minimal make – up and clean it off as soon as you are home.
7. Use natural face packs
Natural skin care works just as good as chemical based and some may even argue that it is actually better considering the costs involved. You can opt for the following masks:
A. Apply curd on your face and neck for 15-20 mins on twice a week basis.
B. Mix gram flour with milk and a pinch of turmeric and you can apply this on your face on a daily basis. This mask can also be used as a face wash if you prefer using a natural face wash.
Natural skincare also tends to be inexpensive.
8. Go for regular clean-ups
Getting your face cleaned up every 20 days is good as you may not be able to clean some areas of your face, as well as others, can. The reason being blackheads get accumulated in various corners of the face that we cannot even see. Regular clean-up will clean the skin of blackheads and clear the pores. This way, you will be less prone to acne and pimples.
9. Stay indoors
Sun is directly overhead during afternoon and sun rays tend to be particularly harsh at this time of the day. It is better to avoid going outside during the afternoon and if you mist, choose to travel a little early and reach earlier. If you can absolutely not avoid, then go with proper protection.
10. Get a good night’s sleep
A good night’s sleep will help your skin to relax and feel fresh. Not only will your skin be relaxed, even you will be relaxed and calm, which will definitely boost your skin health. Sleep for at least 7 to 8 hours a day no matter what. After all, nothing is more important than your health.
Follow the above simple tips for a youthful look even as you grow older. Glowing and healthy skin boosts self-confidence and will help you in creating a good impression that will last long.
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