10 Tips for Win on Online Roulette Games

10 Tips for Win on Online Roulette Games : Roulette is one of the most popular casino games in the world. There are plenty of ways that you can bet in this game and win.

Here are 10 points to maximize the profit for best online roulette game win.

  1. Always choose European roulette

    This is basic to win as European roulette has single zero and house edge is 2.7% whereas in American roulette it also has double zero so the house edge is 5.3%.

  2. Prefer inside bet over outside bet

    Always place bet from inside table like line, streak, twin numbers. Never place outside bet, if you wish to place outside bet then place it with combination to inside bet, never place it alone.

  3. Always play with small bets

    What is small for you can be big for other, so not classifying by amount, we would suggest it as percent of your bankroll. Play with only 1 to 2 % bet of your total bankroll you have set for playing.

  4. Take a break

    This is very important. Always take a break in online roulette every 15 to 20 minutes. In online roulette you not playing in real, you are playing against software, a computer program. As computer gradually picks up data of your playing strategy and style and after analyzing the same it design the next spin accordingly that you cannot win, so its better to discontinue your game after every 15-20 minutes.

  5. Always set winning target

    Some people start winning too much at the start and often looked to lose at the end of the day, as they never set their winning target. Always set your target that how much you want to win for this day. As you can keep 20% of the bankroll as your target for the day. As soon as you hit the target, just leave and stop playing. This strategy is for long term playing. It can be your lucky day on some days, but not on every day. So if you would like yourself to be consistence in playing and winning, you should set up your target and should stop on achieving it. This prevents you from losing and always helps you make profit.

  6. Stop Loss

    You may have heard this word in stock trading. So here while playing roulette how much you afford to lose, that is your stop loss. It’s not every day that you win, sometime you lose too. But to keep cap on your losing and to restrict yourself from getting into huge loss, you must set limit around 30- 40% of your bankroll as stop loss. As soon as you lose till that limit, you should stop playing.

  7. Don’t cover the table

    Many people tent to play by placing multiple bets. They place so many bets that they cover almost much part of the table. This is wrong strategy. If you wish to place multiple bets, then tend not to cover more than 5% of the table, i.e. maximum around 10 bets on the table, so that you can maximize the profit, as you only get paid for the numbers you leave, and you get only share of those other numbers and not your own ones.

  8. Never multiply on your loss

    People generally tend to multiply their bets once they lose. They many times double the bet and also triple it. Again when they lose, they again multiply to cover their losses. But, never do it. You may lose all your bankroll too quickly and will not be able to play much. You can multiply on win, so as you only bet with the extra money of that you have win from casino, never risk your money this way if you lose. So as your basic bankroll is always the same, if you lose also.

  9. Change strategy

    The same strategy may not work each day or with every game. Every day you need to analyze and apply new trick. If the same numbers follow each day then people may win each time, everyday, but roulette is a game of uncertainty and always need a new game plan to win.

  10. It’s you that win

    Always remember that it’s not your strategy or anything else that wins, it’s always you and you who win. Your attitude towards the game, your risk analysis and your plans everything that you decide is going to make you win. Don’t follow anybody else, as the same strategy may work for other but not for you. So, how well you manage the above stated points make your chances higher to win and make money.






10 Tips for Win on Online Roulette Games

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