13 Effective Ways To Manage Menopause Symptoms : Menopause is a normal and natural part of ageing for women. It can happen at a range of ages, and there is no set time for it to occur, but it typically begins around the late 40s or early 50s. Periods will usually become more irregular before stopping entirely, though some women may experience a sudden end to periods.
It is important to be aware that the symptoms can vary significantly from person-to-person and most are not cause for concern.
It is essential to know the best ways to manage the symptoms of menopause. The process can take months or years, and the symptoms can sometimes be unpleasant. Help is there for those struggling or in discomfort, so it is crucial not to suffer in silence.
Know What Symptoms To Expect
A good first step is to know what you should expect from menopause. There are a range of symptoms that are commonly experienced, including hot flushes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and lowered libido. All of these symptoms can be managed with the proper treatment, so you should always talk to your doctor about the symptoms you are experiencing.
Avoid Trigger Foods
Hot flushes are often cited as one of the most aggravating of the common symptoms of menopause. These are characterised by a sudden feeling of heat, often impacting the face, neck and chest. They may be accompanied by sweating and redness in the affected area. Avoiding certain foods can help you manage the potential for hot flushes.
Things like spicy food, alcohol and caffeine can cause or exacerbate hot flushes, so it is best to cut these out of your diet or reduce your intake. It may help to keep a diary of the foods you eat around the time you get a hot flush. This can help you identify patterns in your diet that may bring on hot flushes.
Get Advice From Others
Menopause can be challenging in a woman’s life, so getting support from others can be invaluable. You could talk to friends and relatives who have already been through the process or who are experiencing it simultaneously. You can support one another and share tips on managing the symptoms that come with menopause. It is important to remember that menopause impacts everyone differently, so you should avoid comparing your experiences to others.
Maintain A Healthy Weight
People who are an unhealthy weight may experience more symptoms or experience symptoms more intensely. This can include hot flashes and night sweats. Menopause can also cause you to gain weight, so it is crucial to work at maintaining a healthy weight. Eating a healthy diet and doing regular, varied exercise is critical to helping you stay at a healthy weight for your age.
Include Plenty Of Fruit And Veg In Your Diet
Including plenty of fruit and vegetables in your diet can have a range of health benefits for people of any age. While going through menopause, you will need the essential vitamins and minerals that fruit and veg can provide. They can also help improve your bone health, which may suffer during menopause.
Use Quality CBD Oil
CBD oil can help with a number of menopause symptoms, including anxiety, poor sleep, headaches and joint pain. CBD oil has levels of THC that are too low to get you high while having all the benefits of CBD that can boost mood, relieve pain and improve sleep. You should always choose a responsible and trustworthy provider for your CBD oil and start with smaller doses until you know how it will impact you. The Good Level is an industry leader in providing high quality, responsibly sourced CBD oil and is an ideal choice for anyone looking to mitigate menopause symptoms.
Stay Hydrated
Staying well-hydrated is a good idea regardless of whether you’re experiencing menopause or not. For those experiencing menopause, ensuring good hydration can help alleviate symptoms. Sipping cold water can help manage hot flashes, and doing so before bed can help stave off night sweats. UTIs can also become more common during menopause, so staying well hydrated can help prevent or manage the symptoms of a UTI.
Wear Layers
If you experience hot flashes regularly, your clothes can make all the difference. It is a good idea to wear breathable clothing that you can layer up, allowing you to easily remove layers if you experience a hot flash. It is also a good idea to have layers of bedding so that you can easily adjust them if you experience night sweats.
Try Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
HRT replaces the naturally reduced hormones in your body when you go through menopause. HRT can be highly effective at reducing common menopause symptoms like hot flashes, mood swings and loss of bone density. There are some risks associated with using HRT, but these are often very small. It is best to talk to your doctor about whether HRT would be suitable for you. Always use HRT as prescribed and ensure you follow your doctor’s directions closely.
Practice Meditation
Meditation can be an excellent way to manage the stress and anxiety that many women experience during menopause. It has also been found to help with symptoms like hot flushes, which can often be linked to stress. Meditation is easy to practice at home and can be an excellent addition to your self-care routine.
You could use online resources and guided meditation videos to help you get started. You’ll need somewhere comfortable, quiet, and relaxed to meditate. It may also help to light candles and play calming music.
Go Outside
Getting plenty of vitamin D is crucial to help manage and prevent the loss of bone density that is common during menopause. There is a simple and easy way to boost the amount of vitamin D you get: heading outside. The sun is a major source of vitamin D, so getting out and soaking up the rays can be invaluable. It is important to remember to put on sunscreen when heading outdoors, as the risk presented by sun damage is present even during the winter months. Your doctor may prescribe you vitamin D tablets or injections if you need a further boost.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise is often the last thing on your mind when you start to experience menopausal symptoms, but having a good fitness routine can be invaluable to help you manage symptoms. Exercise has been shown to raise mood and reduce stress levels, crucial for those experiencing menopause. Doing weight training exercises can help mitigate the impact that menopause can have on your bone health.
Your bones may have reduced calcium levels because of the lowered amount of oestrogen in your body. Reduced calcium can result in lowered bone density, potentially leading to a condition called osteoporosis. Weight training can help mitigate bone density loss and keep your joints and bones healthy and strong.
Talk To A Professional
Menopause can often impact your mental health. Some of the symptoms of menopause can be similar to common mental health issues such as anxiety, stress and depression. Menopause is also a major change to your life, so it is normal to experience added stress and low mood.
Talking to a mental health professional like a counsellor or therapist can be invaluable to help navigate this challenging time. It is good to look for a professional with experience working with women navigating menopause and other life experiences similar to your own.
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