3 Affordable Beauty Transformations You Should Do for a New You This 2020

3 Affordable Beauty Transformations You Should Do for a New You This 2020 : The new year signals a fresh start, and if you feel like you’re up for a makeover, now’s as good a time as any. There are plenty of things you can do to improve your look or add to your beauty routine, and the best part is you don’t have to go broke doing it.

If you’re looking for a sign to change up your current look, this is it. A few changes here and there can make a drastic difference. Here are affordable beauty transformations you should do for the new year:

Before Anything Else

While you’re free to do whatever you want, it’s better to be clear about what kind of changes you want to make. It is recommended that you do a personal assessment or get help from a professional to help guide you through your transformation. Search for pictures for inspiration, or browse through online pinboards to help get you better ideas.

Do a Hair Makeover

The hair is your crowning glory, and changing it up can make a huge difference in how you look. You can change the color, cut it, get bangs, get a trim, have it permed, or have it straightened. Depending on what you choose, these things can be permanent, so be sure you’re comfortable with your choices.

If you’re not ready to take the plunge, there are subtle changes that you can do that won’t completely shock you every time you look in a mirror. If you’re a natural brunette, you can lighten your hair color or get blond highlights or lowlights.

Another alternative that gives your hair a new look without completely changing anything is to wear a wig or to get hair extensions. You have many options when it comes to hair additions. You can get natural hair wigs to give it a more authentic look, but the downside is that it will be a lot more expensive compared to synthetic or mix wigs.

Hair extensions are another option too, and depending on your budget, you can get a clip-on, a tape-in kind, and many other variants.

Start a Skin-Care Routine

Start a Skin-Care Routine
Start a Skin-Care Routine

Working late nights and not having proper rest can take a toll on your skin. A dull and tired complexion can greatly benefit from a skin-care routine. If you’ve never had a routine apart from washing your face and body with the same soap, then you have a lot to catch up on.

Beginners are recommended to start simple, so it is a must to identify what skin type you have. You should get products that suit you no matter if you have oily, dry, sensitive, or combination skin. A three-step skin-care routine comprising a facial wash, toner, and moisturizer is better than having nothing at all.

It is important to care for your skin, especially if you are aging. If you wear makeup, it is a must to completely cleanse your face before going to sleep to prevent acne and other skin blemishes. Here are some tips on how to get started on a skin-care routine.

Improve Your Makeup Game

There’s nothing wrong if you only use powder and lip gloss, but if you want to upgrade your look, makeup can help you with that. A new eye shadow, mascara, eyeliner, or lipstick can make a vast improvement. There are endless combinations you can try with various looks out there.

You can be as safe or as adventurous as you want. If you want to experiment by yourself, look at video tutorials for makeup looks that show off the vibe you want. When shopping for cosmetics, go for shades that complement your color.

If you’re unsure, ask a sales representative to assist you. Buying makeup can be expensive, and if you’re not experienced enough to tell if a product is good through testers, you can take advantage of makeup counters. Professional makeup artists at department stores can help you try a bunch of products that are new to you by giving you a free makeover. However, be sure to buy something after the service.

What are the go-to beauty routines that help make you feel refreshed? Read more about this in our section Beauty and Style. Share any tips or advice in the comments section.







3 Affordable Beauty Transformations You Should Do for a New You This 2020

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