3 Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

3 Best Yoga Poses For Beginners : Are you an aspiring yogi but perhaps have never tried it before? Then you’re in luck as we’ve got the perfect post for you.

Yoga has long been a global phenomenon and continues to recruit new converts for all manner of reasons, from getting fit and healthy to overcoming addiction, anxiety and stress.

Such is its power, yoga is even prescribed by doctors, physios, addiction treatment centres and more as a way of improving both mental and physical health.

That’s putting more and more of us onto yoga, joining the hundreds of millions of people who already practice it worldwide.

Of course, it can also be a little daunting getting started too. However, armed with an understanding of fundamental yoga terms, there’s no need for apprehension and if you want to try yoga for the first time, then here are the perfect poses to kick off with…

Mountain Pose

Known as the “mother of yoga poses”, the mountain pose is one of the easiest to master and requires you to stand with your feet together and arms by the side.

It’s important to ground your feet and then inhale, elongating through your torso, and extending your arms above your head. Exhale and release your shoulder blades and your arms back down towards your side.

Child’s Pose

The child’s pose is another pose that is incredibly easy and one of the most recognisable. It’s a great pose for relaxation and also perfect for the middle of a yoga class or routine if you’re looking to take a moment’s breath.

This pose requires you to start in a kneeling position with your toes tucked under. You then need to stretch your body forward, with your arms extended to the floor. Your stomach should then be resting on your thighs and head on the floor as you hold the pose.

Downward-Facing Dog

The downward-facing dog is another incredibly recognisable pose and a perfect one for beginners, with the aim of it to be a calming and relaxing pose. It is ideal for stretching out your back, arms, hamstrings and shoulders and is easy to practice.

All you need to do is get onto your hands and knees, with your palms just a little further on than your shoulders. Your knees should ideally be beneath your hips and your toes tucked in. Lift your hips and create a V-like position. Hold that pose and move your chest towards your hips.




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3 Best Yoga Poses For Beginners

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