4 Steps To Recover From Anxiety Disorder : Feeling nervous or anxious at a given time is something that most, if not all of us, have already experienced. It’s normal, and through such feelings is how we usually express our thoughts and emotions. However, there may be cases where one feels panic, nervousness, and anxiety may prevent them from functioning productively and accomplishing daily tasks.
This is commonly referred to as an anxiety disorder.
What Is Anxiety Disorder?
Essentially, anxiety disorder is a mental health condition that can make one experience dread and fear in different situations. It’s an umbrella term with several types, including panic disorder, phobias, separation anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder. Depending on the situation, these symptoms can be accompanied by sweating, palpitations, or chest pains. And in some cases, an anxiety disorder may lead you to overreact when your emotion is triggered, and you may also fail to control your responses.
Suppose you’re working towards overcoming your anxiety, or you know someone who may have an anxiety disorder. This article outlines some steps to help you recover from an anxiety disorder.
Going To Therapy
One of the common treatments for anxiety disorder is a prescription medication that can help reduce anxiety by relaxing the body. However, as much as prescription medication offers quick results, it doesn’t necessarily solve the root cause of the problem. And this is where psychotherapy comes in handy, as it helps identify and treat the cause of the problem.
People with anxiety tend to feel worried a lot. Some also experience obsessive thoughts, panic attacks, and unrelenting fear and worries. And with that, seeking treatment that can help them know and overcome their issues and how to manage their emotions is essential.
By choosing to go to therapy and speak with counselors for anxiety, you’d get to openly talk about your feelings and the thoughts that run inside your head. You may also learn different ways or strategies to relax and keep your mind at ease, and look at situations in new ways that are less frightening. In addition, you may also develop better problem-solving and coping skills, which can go a long way to helping you in the recovery process.
Overcoming your anxiety may seem daunting, more so talking about your fears and worries, but taking it one day at a time with your counselors can help you move forward on the path of recovery.
psychotherapy helps to identify and treat the cause of anxiety disorder. -
Adopt A Lifestyle Change
One of the ways to help you recover from an anxiety disorder is to make a shift in your lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be drastic right away, as you can take small steps to achieve your goal. For instance, you can slowly change your diet to healthier food choices such as those rich in protein that can give you energy and help keep your blood sugar steady, as it is believed to help suppress the axis in your brain that controls the stress response.
In addition, if you enjoy sweetened beverages such as fruit punch, soda, and sweetened tea, you may need to cut that off your diet, as it may trigger an imbalance in some brain chemicals, which can lead to mood swings. Refined sugars have been linked to inflammation in your body’s tissue that can cause more anxiety.
And perhaps, if you are a coffee lover, you may also have to cut it off or reduce your intake considerably. Aside from being known to cause heart palpitations, it might also with your sleep patterns once processed by your body. It’d be worth noting that sleep deprivation can worsen your anxiety.
Try Coping Strategies
Coping skills are instrumental in helping people with anxiety disorders try to deal with, tolerate and minimize stressful situations. To start, there are two types of coping strategies you can adopt:
- Problem-Centered Coping: This coping strategy includes facing your stress head-on and taking the necessary actions to resolve the main cause. For instance, if not knowing whether or not you’ll pass a subject is stressing you out, consider talking to your professor to know your status. Doing this can help minimize your anxiety.
- Emotion-Centered Coping: This strategy requires controlling your feelings, outlook, and emotional response to the problem instead of addressing them. This is often applied to situations where you cannot change your stressor.
Practicing Relaxation Techniques
Since anxiety can be associated with stressful situations, finding ways to cope and relax can be instrumental in managing symptoms and helping you recover from an anxiety disorder. To help you, here are some great relaxation techniques that you may consider doing:
Meditation can be a great technique that can help create a state of relaxation. This is because when meditating, you’ll be focusing all your attention and energy on having a tranquil mind, which can help eliminate all disorganized thoughts that may be contributing to your stress. In addition, constant meditation has been linked to having fewer negative thoughts after looking at negative images.
This relaxation technique can help boost mental and physical relaxation by relieving tension and alleviating pain. And by practicing yoga, you’ll be releasing endorphins which are vital in making you feel better and reducing your stress level.
Breathing Exercises
During stressful situations, one of the things you can do is pause for a moment and breathe. This allows you to calm down and slow your heart, process what’s happening around you and determine the emotions you may be feeling. This technique can help you be in more control of your own thoughts, which can help reduce anxiousness in stressful situations.
A tip to keep in mind when looking for a relaxation technique is it’s essential to find something that can be easily incorporated into your lifestyle and routine. That way, it won’t feel like a chore to help you manage your anxiety symptoms.
Having an anxiety disorder can make you feel unwell, in most cases, as you may have a difficult time managing your stress levels in different situations. While it can be treated with medications, there are a few steps you can take to help you recover, allowing you to take control of your mind. You can seek therapy, talk to professionals, adopt a lifestyle change, learn coping strategies, and practice relaxation techniques.
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