4 Ways to Keep Fit this Autumn

4 Ways to Keep Fit this Autumn : It can be a big effort to find the motivation to exercise at any point in the year, but particularly when it begins to get a little colder outside.  If something is fun and enjoyable, you are much more likely to want to participate – and could end up burning calories without knowing it.  In this article, we’ve put together some ideas as to how you can keep fit this Autumn.

Try Salsa Dancing

Salsa dancing can be done indoors, and is a great hobby to take up.  It’s fairly unique in that it can be enjoyed by people of any age and allows you to engage in an aerobic type exercise, as well as still being able to enjoy the social element.  By taking part in salsa, you can increase your endurance and stamina levels, burn a huge number of calories, and can also be a contributing factor to reducing your heart rate.  You will usually find classes to suit all stages of dance level.


Autumn is probably one of the best times to dip your toe into the water and try kayaking.  It can give you an all-over workout, and at the same time you can enjoy the beautiful scenery that surrounds you.  Lakes and rivers are always at their most stunning when they are surrounded by Autumnal colours.  It’s also a great stress-reliever, and you will no doubt leave your kayak feeling much more relaxed.  A lot of people actually take this up as a regular hobby. If you need some expert guidance on how to get involved in this sport,  this is a helpful site that will give you all the info you need to know about the best kayaks available.

Indoor Swimming

If it is particularly chilly outside, you might want to go swimming.  This isn’t something you need to do alone – there are some great aqua aerobic classes out there where you can enjoy chatting to people and socializing at the same time.  Swimming has the advantage of being an effective calorie burner.  Of course, the number of calories burned will depend on the type of swimming you are doing and the individual, but you could burn around 500 calories an hour. After all your hard work, you can even treat yourself and chill out in the jacuzzi.


Yoga is a form of exercise that has increased massively in popularity of late.  The reason for this is that it has mental health benefits as well as physical health benefits.  After a yoga session, the idea is that you feel more energized and refreshed than before you started – which usually wouldn’t be the case if you headed to the gym for a workout for example.  You will also improve your flexibility, increase your blood flow, and build muscle strength.  If you have ever considered practicing mindfulness, this goes hand in hand with yoga.

If you can’t bear the thought of going to the gym and running on that treadmill for hours on end, then try these alternative options to make exercise more fun this autumn.


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4 Ways to Keep Fit this Autumn

fall fitness, fit person, exercise for fitness, fitness milestones, fitness body, body fitness exercise, fall fitness tips, best exercises,