5 Helpful Tips to Keep Your Mental Health in Check this Exam Season

5 Helpful Tips to Keep Your Mental Health in Check this Exam Season : Getting ready for a decisive exam during your studies can be physically and mentally draining. Preparing for major exams such as the bar or graduate admissions is no joke. And if you consider that most often you have several examinations within a brief timeframe, the burden multiplies. You start sleeping less, eating unhealthy food, and neglecting your social life.

All these circumstances can bitterly affect your life. At the onset, the effect might seem insignificant, but quickly, you become emotionally exhausted and distracted. The constant fatigue is taking its toll. Besides your health, you’re endangering your test performance and final grades.

So, what can you do to boost self-care during this challenging period? How can you reduce distractors and preserve your mental health? Above all, you must put yourself first. Below, we’ve rounded up the best 5 tips and techniques to help you prepare for the exam session and keep your sanity.

Exercise & Movement

As cliché as this advice may seem, it is the most effective. It doesn’t take long to perform, and you can do it daily without much fuss. For instance, get up every hour and do some light exercise before going back to the books. This way, you’ll give your eyes and brain a break, speed up blood circulation, and bring more fresh air to your lungs.

The lower the oxygen content in the brain, the less you can focus and learn. The negative effects can be even more detrimental as your memory span decreases. Hence, moving around and exercising are crucial for regular cerebral activity. A short walk enjoying nature is even better for improving your mood.

Other activities with a noticeable impact on your academic results include yoga, meditation, dance, and running. Besides boosting blood circulation and oxygenation, these hobbies will make you feel rejuvenated and content. Deep breaths are also essential for proper brain function. Anxious and shallow breathing deprives you of oxygen.

Pause Occasionally

Studying isn’t a one-way path with no end in sight. It is a long-term process that requires your body and brain to relax and recharge. So, if you’ve set your aim on passing that tedious exam, you will have to take numerous breaks.

Every organism is different and needs a different approach. “Are you tired? Take a nap. Are you hungry? Prepare a smoothie. Sometimes, you can buy an essay online if you deem it will relieve you of the accumulated pressure,” suggests Maria Hemmings, a psychologist who also works as writer at PapersOwl.

As a result, you will increase your zest to return to studying and work more effectively. Consider the time further from books a reset that will give you the motivation to keep going until you reach your final goal. Burning out is not the way to go if you have long-term objectives in mind.

Get Enough Rest

Avoid all-nighters at all costs. Though you might see the immediate benefit after such a feat, the unfavorable effects are long-lasting. The situation will aggravate if these ventures become more frequent in your study plan. Disturbed sleeping patterns make you more susceptible to illnesses and wreck your nerves. You find it impossible to concentrate, and even minor things can distract you.

When preparing for an important exam session such as MCAT or GMAT, don’t expect to learn everything in one go. You will have to remember a humongous amount of information, so one night is nothing compared to what awaits you. Therefore, there’s no point in depriving yourself of good sleep before the exam. Quite the opposite, don’t try to stay awake the whole night but rest well.

Easier said than done, right? Some students can’t fall asleep because they think about the outcome of the following day. To calm down, refrain from electronic devices or use the blue light filter. Finally, the bedroom should be as dark and quiet as possible. Setting two alarms is also a good idea in case you oversleep.

Hydrate Well

Your brain contains a high water percentage that needs to get constantly replenished. Unfortunately, some people forget about proper hydration. To fight this, learn to recognize the early signs of dehydration. Symptoms include dry, cool skin, muscle cramps, sticky mouth, fatigue, and dizziness. Severe conditions can lead to throbbing headaches and an inability to concentrate.

Water intake is vital for your overall well-being. And while some students prefer to have a glass of beer or wine before the critical day, do not fall for it. Steer away from this practice. Alcohol will blur your judgment and mix up the knowledge you’ve already internalized.

Stay Connected

Maintaining long-term friendships and building new ones will help you stay sane and reach new heights. Hence, keep anyone who adds value to your life nearby. Spend time with friends who impact you positively and support you in your attempts. At this point, consider cutting the ties with acquaintances that suck your thirst for success.

Examinations often trigger feelings of anxiety, isolation, and hopelessness. That’s why parents should also be proactive in helping children. If you don’t support your kids with exams, they might become depressed. Hence, parents must get educated on assisting children in developing healthy learning habits.

Finally, make a new friend during this exam season. Increase your social connections and build a solid, supportive community. You may also rely on apps and social networks to connect or speak to a mental health professional. Such an expert can help you cope with the excessive stress and workload in college. Consider this tip long after graduation because it can prove valuable once you land a job.


Your exams can impact your health adversely if you don’t practice self-care. Nurturing yourself includes sleeping well, following a healthy diet, and drinking plenty of water. Exercise will further boost your energy levels and give you time to reflect on what you’ve already learned. Finally, keep your friends close and don’t neglect your social life and hobbies.



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5 Helpful Tips to Keep Your Mental Health in Check this Exam Season

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