5 Herbal Remedies to Calm Anxiety

5 Herbal Remedies to Calm Anxiety : Anxiety can hit you anytime, anywhere. But if you know that you struggle with anxiety often, it is best to be prepared. You always have the option of the drugs your therapist has prescribed, along with the usual ‘distract yourself’ and ‘do what you love’ remedies to turn to. But did you know that there are many herbal remedies you can turn to as well?

Yes, this may just be the solution you have been looking for! So, read through and add get some herbs while you buy the grocery next time:


Chamomile is one of the best and well-known herbs used for calming yourself. It has been used since the times of old for this purpose. Not only that, though, chamomile has been scientifically proven to have a lot of calming effects on people.

You can use chamomile essential oil to massage yourself, or you can take chamomile flowers and make tea with it. Chamomile tea with honey is one of the most relaxing remedies for anxiety that you can find anywhere!

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is an herb that is being used since the Middle Ages to soothe the nerves and get rid of anxiety! You can take lemon balm in the form of tea, capsules, or with other essential oils as a massage agent.

It has been found though, that taking a high dose of lemon balm extracts can actually exacerbate your anxiety. So make sure you have it in a limited dose!


The smell of lavender is one of the most soothing scents anywhere. This is why it is said that you should burn lavender scented candles in your house to have that soothing smell surround you. Many studies have shown the positive effects of lavender on anxious people.

Using lavender essence in foods or as a massage agent is still questionable when it comes to anxiety. It is more of an antiseptic that way.


Passionflower is one of the most studied herbs when it comes to calming anxiety. Many scientists have even said that passionflower is almost as powerful as many anti-depressants.

So next time your anxiety hits you, you can simply make a soothing cup of passionflower tea to calm yourself.


Valerian supplements are also known to have calming effects on the nervous system. They are also potent sedatives so if you feel as if your anxiety is hampering your sleep, valerian just may be the answer you’re looking for!


Author :

Noor Najam is a 22-year old student who loves to explore food delights and ever-growing new tastes of different regions. She likes to stay fit and make healthier food choices. She thinks she should have studied a culinary related bachelor’s degree instead of her current bachelors in Social Sciences. She regularly posts on https://pateeri.com/.




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Herbal Remedies to Calm Anxiety




5 Herbal Remedies to Calm Anxiety

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