Tips to Help You Get a Restful Night Sleep

Tips to Help You Get a Restful Night Sleep : A restful sleep at night not just influences the health of your body and mind but also affects the overall quality of your life. A lessor or disturbed sleep at night may directly influence your daytime attentiveness, energy, productivity, as well as your emotional balance. This emphasizes the need for a restful sleep at night.

However, you may encounter many factors throughout the day from work pressure and stress to family responsibilities that may affect the quality of your sleep. While it is not possible to control all of these factors, following sleep tips may help you get a better restful sleep at night:

Tips to Help You Get a Restful Night Sleep

1. Follow a sleep schedule:

Practice setting aside a regular eight hours for sleep. For a healthy life, you must get at least seven-eight hours of sleep regularly. However, due to preoccupying and hurried lifestyles people nowadays hardly get enough sleep let alone restful sleep. If you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day you will get a consistent amount of sleep on a regular basis. Also, try to limit the difference in your sleep duration for weekends and weekdays to not more than an hour. Consistency in sleep duration helps in restoring and reinforcing your natural body clock.


2. Control the amount of light you are exposed to:

Scientists have proved that a naturally occurring hormone called Melatonin may influence your quality of sleep and help regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin is controlled by the amount of light you are exposed to during your sleep. Complete darkness often stimulates the brain to secrete more Melatonin hence leading to a better sleep.

On the contrary, more light makes the brain more attentive thereby disturbing your sleep. To have a better sleep at night, you must expose yourself to more natural bright sunlight during the day. Keep windows, blinds, and curtains open to let natural light peep into your rooms. Also, avoid bright screens during night at least 1-2 hours prior to your bedtime. Ensure that there is complete darkness in your room while sleeping. Also, avoid reading with backlit devices.


3. Eat and drink smartly:

Your food intake throughout the day may greatly influence the quality of your sleep. Avoid drinks rich in caffeine and nicotine or take them in less quantity. Try having dinner a little early in the evening. Also, avoid heavy foods in dinner. Intake of heavy or spicy foods at night may cause heartburn and stomach troubles leading to a disturbed and distracted sleep.

Avoid consuming more refined carbs or sugary foods throughout the day. However, you may consume nighttime snacks such as a banana, a bowl of yogurt, a glass of milk, or a bowl of low-sugar cereal to promote a restful sleep.


4. Stay physically active and exercise during the day:

It has been proven scientifically that people who stick to regular exercise routines and stay physically active throughout the day sleep better at night. Regular exercise can help you achieve more restorative stages of sleep. However, you must avoid exercising prior to at least three hours from your time to go to bed. Relaxing exercises such as yoga or mild stretches in the evening may help in promoting restful sleep at night.


5. Relax and unwind:

Sometimes undue worry and residual stress may make it difficult for you to sleep. Try meditation and other relaxation techniques such as yoga to unwind your mind, de-stress and relax. You may try relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, visualization, as well as progressive muscle relaxation to get you started. Experiment and learn what works best for you.

If required, seek medical help from expert practitioners. Try adopting some bedtime rituals that switch your mind to a more relaxing mode. You may practice reading a book or magazine, listen to soft music, switch to some hobby, or take a warm-water bath to unwind your body and mind.


6. Pick a better mattress:

Though it may sound surprising the quality of your mattress greatly affects the quality of your sleep. If your mattress feels hard and uncomfortable, it is time to spend some bucks to get a better one. You may find various brands on the market that offer great products at lucrative prices.

Although these brands are good for money you must not forget to evaluate them for parameters of quality, durability, and comfort. You may check out some good products at

These tips will surely help you get a restful sleep at night!



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Tips to Help You Get a Restful Night Sleep

tips to help you sleep, how to sleep well at night naturally, tips on how to sleep through the night, how to get sleep at night fast, how to sleep better at night naturally, how to sleep better with anxiety, how to sleep better and faster, food for good sleep, home remedies for good sleep, Get a Restful Night Sleep