5 Questions That A Patient Should Ask Before A Cataract Surgery

5 Questions That A Patient Should Ask Before A Cataract Surgery : Cataract is one of the common conditions that occur in people aged over 50 years. It is characterized by the lens of the eye becoming cloudy, which impairs the vision to a considerable extent. The condition is treated by replacing the lens with a surgical procedure.

Before you opt for this surgery, there are a few things that you need to clarify with the surgeon. Here is the list of questions that every patient should ask the surgeon before going ahead with the surgery.

  1. What are the different kinds of surgical procedures for cataract and which one would be the best for me?
    Before you move ahead, you need to understand the options you have and consider the one which would be the most suitable in your case. Traditional cataract surgery involves a small incision to remove the cloudy lens while laser surgery is one that makes use of laser instead of surgical instruments for the procedure. The latter is being widely used these days because it is safe and simple. Ideally, you should opt for the advanced laser surgery.
  2. What type of lenses would be the most suitable for me?
    During cataract surgery, the clouded lens is removed and an intraocular lens is implanted in its place. Monofocal, multifocal and accommodative are the three types of lenses available. Monofocal lenses are used to improve the vision at a specific distance. Multifocal lenses enable you to see at any distance instead of a set one. The most innovative option is the accommodative lenses, which offer clear vision at all distances though near sight may be compromised.
  3. Will I require glasses after surgery?
    Another key question that you should ask is whether you will have to wear glasses post the surgery. Some patients do need glasses or contact lenses after the procedure. This depends on the type of lens chosen for the implant and your vision prior to cataract. Patients who opt for monofocal or accommodative lenses, for example, are more likely to require glasses after the procedure.
  4. Who will perform my surgery?
    Whether you are planning to go for a cataract surgery in Houston or anywhere else in the country, it is essential to know the expertise of your surgeon. Do ask who is going to perform the procedure for you and also verify the skill, experience and track record of the professional. Also, make sure that you choose a reputed clinic with all the requisite amenities.
  5. How much will my surgery cost?
    You will definitely want to know the cost of the surgery and asking your specialist upfront is the best thing to do. The cost may vary from patient to patient, depending on the type of procedure and lenses you choose for the implant. It would be a good idea to check with your insurance provider whether the procedure would be covered and to what extent.

Besides these questions, you may also ask the surgeon about his or her success rate, the possible complications and risk factors and the optimal recovery time. Knowing the precautions that you need to take during this phase is also important. Be sure to clear all the doubts and concerns with your surgeon before going ahead.







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