5 Things You Should Bring to the Delivery Room but Might Not Think About

5 Things You Should Bring to the Delivery Room but Might Not Think About: Every expectant mother has a bag prepared for their trip to labor and delivery, and most of the time only half of the items you bring will get used. It might seem great to bring soothing music or a massager, but you might end up finding the music irritating and recoiling from anyone’s touch. However, there will also be things you wish that you had packed.

The following are the things other mothers wish they had brought with them to the Delivery Room.


Your Own Nightgown

Some women are fine with wearing a hospital gown, but they can be really embarrassing if you go for a walk to ease your labor pains or have guests that you don’t want to see your butt. In these instances, it is best to have a nightgown of your own. However, make sure it’s one you don’t mind getting dirty because you are birthing after all.


Disposable Underwear

You will likely be given disposable underwear to wear after delivery, but they can be really uncomfortable. Plus, you have to wear them with a great big pad from the hospital. It’s better to pick up some disposable underwear and combine the two. You will get the absorption of a pad and they are actually pretty comfortable.


More Clean Clothes Than You Think You Need

It’s always possible that you labor can extend all the way to the point of a C-section and require a lot more time in recovery than you planned or that your hormones after birth will make you a sweat machine. In these instances, it’s great to have a lot of clean clothes to change into. You will likely have a lot of visitors and being able to greet them in something other than a hospital gown feels good.


Lanolin Cream

If you plan on nursing your baby, you may be surprised by how quickly your nipples get chapped. Breastfeeding takes a lot more adjustment than you might expect and adding burning, tender nipples to the mix doesn’t make it any easier. If you come prepared with lanolin cream, you can help soothe your nipples and mitigate the discomfort.


Baby Clothes in a Few Sizes

Some parents are fine keeping their baby in the shirt from the hospital, but babies are used to being warm in a uterus. They aren’t equipped to deal with weather that isn’t in the 90s. So, the trip home generally requires a set of clothes. However, you won’t know the size of your baby beforehand, so bring a few different sizes to be prepared. Having preemie clothes for a 12 pounder won’t work and neither will the reverse.


About the Author:

Dorothy Piamonte is a writer, preschool teacher, and mother of two. She knows all about the birthing process firsthand. She is an expert health blogger specializing in behaviors, addiction, recovery and treatment such as meth abuse treatment. You can visit her official website at: http://www.addictions.com


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5 Things You Should Bring to the Delivery Room but Might Not Think About
5 Things You Should Bring to the Delivery Room but Might Not Think About




5 Things You Should Bring to the Delivery Room but Might Not Think About

preparing for labor and delivery, preparation for delivery bag, things to prepare for new born baby, what to bring to the hospital on delivery day, how to have an easy birth, things to buy before giving birth, things to prepare before delivery, how to prepare your body for labor,

5 Things You Should Bring to the Delivery Room but Might Not Think About