5 Ways to Resolve Conflicts in Your Relationship : We are human being and each human being thinks differently. We are dependent on set of thoughts which comes to our individual brain and same thoughts influence our actions and reactions. Our actions are responsible that how others are attached or distracted from us and how our relationship unfolds.
Every relationship has specific needs and can only be carried on if we are attached emotionally or share common thoughts. If there are differences in our thought process or we tend to think just of ourselves, there occurs conflict. These small or big conflicts lead to breakup, which is very painful. These conflicts can be solved easily by changing some of our habits.
So, here are five ways to resolve conflicts in your relationship to save it from being apart.
Attention to the main problem only
Sometime we feel that our talks are reaching to the point where no productivity is coming out except filthy remarks or undue expressions. At that point, it shall always be better that you must restore your attention to the main problem and do it with your partner also to come back to the original subject. If it does not happen, you should try to stop the conversation on any other ground like natural call or go out of scene for some time. That may provide cooling time for you and those who were participating in the discourse.
Try to become good audience
Whenever you find that the discussions are going argumentative, it is always better to be good audience to listen the words of others carefully. Once they stop, you may start to reopen with their words in your language to make them understand that you had listened to them carefully. While speaking out their intention, you would easily be able to put up your point again with more emphasis on their weak points. If they interfere, you can politely ask them to restrain to keep the track as you did. It will bring home your point in their minds.
Motivating others to join your camp
Very easy! Instead of saying, “You didn’t inform me your program”, if you say, “You felt hurt to know late that you were pre-occupied”, it may add to their respect and surely, they will take care next time to inform you timely. This time, they may feel some guilty and give up your opposition gradually. It is always better to give up the word “I” and take up “We” to command their respect. You can also opt for Online Therapy by ReGain to counsel you how to resolve your issues and save your relationship from a conflict.
Taking a break
Some time taking a break during discussions, even they are serious, plays significant role for all participants to review their stands respectively. This you can refer as “Restart of a computer”. Whenever you find that the discussions are not making any break-through, go out for a cup of tea or simple water. When you return, you may find something calm down.
Result Orientation
In our relationship, we may come across disagreement at some point of time and it happens at that time when we wish to put forth our intention more strongly and in that process, we forget other’s views/intentions. We must go ahead side-by-side keeping attention to them and ensure that they understand appropriately your intentions and may find your proposal favoring them also to some extent. Whenever you find that any conflict of thoughts may cost your relationship, you must reconsider and make them result-oriented in positive direction.
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