Early Warning Signs You’re Dating a Dud : It happens to every sugar baby sooner or later. She goes out on a few dates with a would-be sugar daddy who seems to be everything she’s ever wanted, so she goes on a few more. Before she knows it, she’s in the early stages of a relationship. And she’d be thrilled about that… if it weren’t for all those little red flags that keep popping up.
So if you’re currently dating a sugar daddy who’s leaving a lot to be desired on a level that makes you concerned for your future together, it’s time to get to the bottom of things. The longer you stay in a bad relationship with an absolute dud of a daddy, the harder it becomes to leave. Here are some early warning signs to be aware of.
He completely takes you for granted.
Sadly, there are way too many men out there these days that have wonderful women in their lives whom they take entirely for granted. They’re happy to accept love, help, and sweet little gestures without limit, but they rarely to never return the favor.
Men who don’t appreciate the beautiful people in their lives or feel entitled to other people’s good will are duds who will never have what it takes to be a good partner. You deserve someone who not only appreciates all that you do but who enjoys treating you the same way.
He doesn’t have time for you.
Naturally, not every successful man will have time to be at his sugar baby’s beck and call all the time. Ambitious, driven men – especially well-to-do sugar daddy types and other affluent examples – are busy. Sugar Daddy’s work a lot and tend to have full social calendars, so it’s normal for such a man not always to have lots of free time.
That’s not what we’re talking about here, though. We’re talking about the type of guy who claims not to have time to call you but always seems to have time to play video games or scroll aimlessly through social media. He flakes on plans he makes with you and covers with a threadbare excuse. You don’t need that kind of frustration in your life.
He’s way too interested in other women.
He’s “good friends” with his ex (despite having absolutely no reason to be) and doesn’t care that it bothers you. He has a habit of chatting or texting with “female friends” late into the night. He checks out other women all the time and doesn’t care if you see him doing it. Sound familiar?
If it does, you’re definitely dating a dud. Even people in open and undefined relationships understand the importance of basic respect, and this isn’t what it looks like. You’re also right to be upset because men who act like that don’t deserve your time.
He can’t get along with your loved ones.
Although it’s unrealistic to expect a man you’re dating to be the best of friends with every last one of your friends and family members, there’s something very wrong if he can’t seem to get along at all with any of them. It’s a sign that not only does he not respect their opinions but that he doesn’t particularly care about yours, either.
A good man goes out of his way to get along with the essential people in his lady’s life. He knows how important those people are to her, and he’s willing to bend a little to ensure he stays on good terms with them. He also knows that their opinions carry a lot of weight and wants to make sure they approve of him.
He seems allergic to apologizing.
This is one of the earliest signs that you’re dating an absolute dud and should probably cut your losses sooner rather than later. Bad, emotionally immature men are notorious for not holding themselves accountable. They never apologize, even when it’s crystal clear they’re in the wrong and owe someone that apology.
Instead, they make excuses for their behavior or blame someone else for it. Many will even find a way to blame their girlfriends for it as a way of deflecting from what’s really going on. Don’t put up with it.
He’s unreliable.
Does your sugardaddy blow hot and cold to the point that you never know what to expect? Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells around him because there’ll be hell to pay if you don’t? If your daddy is moody, unpredictable, or inconsistent, cut your losses now.
This type of behavior is a sign of a serious character flaw, and things will only get worse over time. He may even become utterly abusive at some point, and you deserve better than that. The right sugar daddy would never leave you guessing and unsure all the time. He’d want you to feel secure in your relationship.
At the end of the day, your gut usually knows what’s up. So if yours tells you you’re with a dud, it’s essential to listen.
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