6 Ways to Achieve Higher Sleep Quality at Night

6 Ways to Achieve Higher Sleep Quality at Night : Most healthy adults need at least 7 hours of sleep every night. Certain things, however, can prevent that from happening. For one thing, there are many sleep disorders that can affect your rest.

Take insomnia, for instance, it affects one in every seven adults in the United States. Sleep apnea is another example. Basically, it causes your breathing to stop repeatedly when you’re asleep.

The good news is that there are things that you can do to get higher sleep quality. Want to know what they are?

If so, you’re on the right page. We’ll be going over all that you need to know about the topic below.

Keep reading to learn more!

About Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that affect the way you sleep. Not only can they affect your health, but they can also have an impact on your quality of life.

For example, sleep deprivation can increase your risk of other health problems. On top of that, it can affect your ability to drive safely, which can have significant consequences.

The Importance of Getting High-Quality Sleep 

Sleep is a vital component of your health and wellbeing—it allows the body to repair and rejuvenate itself.

In addition to that, it also has a direct impact on your concentration, productivity, and cognition. What’s more, is that it can actually lower your risk of certain conditions such as depression, heart disease, and obesity.

Given that, it’s crucial that you get enough shut-eye every night. The last thing that you want is to be chronically sleep-deprived—that’ll only put your health at risk.

6 Ways to Get Higher Sleep Quality At Night 

You don’t always have to rely on medications to improve your sleep. Here are a few things that you can do instead.

  1. Avoid Drinking Coffee Late in the Day

    Don’t drink coffee late in the afternoon or evening; it’ll prevent you from being able to relax and fall asleep at night.

    Why? Because it’s a stimulant. Put it simply, it’ll make you feel more awake. While this is may be good in the morning, it’s not exactly what you want when you’re going to bed.

    The same goes for other caffeinated beverages such as tea and energy drinks. If you must drink them, do it early in the day.

  2. Put Away Your Electronic Devices Before Going to Bed

    Avoid playing on your tablet or phone before going to bed. These electronic devices are known for producing blue light, which can affect your sleep and wake cycle.

    More specifically, it prevents the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps control your sleep. In other words, you won’t feel as sleepy when it’s time to go to bed.

    Note: There are certain apps and programs that you can use to filter out blue light. While they won’t get rid of it completely, it can help reduce your exposure.

  3. Don’t Eat Large Meals Late in the Evening

    It’s best not to eat large meals close to bedtime as it can interfere with your sleep. For instance, sugary foods can cause a spike in blood sugar, which can alter your sleep patterns.

    The same goes for high-carbohydrate and heavily-processed foods.

    Having said that, you don’t want to go to bed hungry either. Chances are, the rumbling of your stomach will only make it harder to fall asleep. If necessary, eat a light snack such as a banana or some yogurt.

  4. Choose the Right Mattress

    The mattress that you have can have a significant impact on your sleep. This makes sense when you think about it—after all, it’s the thing that you’ll be lying on for several hours!

    When it comes to choosing the perfect mattress, there are several factors that you want to think about. For one thing, you want to consider how you usually sleep. Because that’ll determine the type of mattress that you want to get.

    For example, firmer mattresses are better for stomach-sleepers.

    What is the best mattress for a side sleeper? You’ll want something softer that can support your weight and conform to your body shape.

  5. Develop a Sleep Routine

    Try to go to bed at the same time every night—that’ll help establish your internal sleep-wake clock so that you’ll be able to fall asleep faster.

    Not only that, but you want to get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. The more consistent you are with your sleep schedule, the better.

    If you’re having trouble falling asleep within 20 minutes, leave the room and do something else. When you’re tired, go back to bed.

  6. Create a Restful Environment

    You want your room to be a restful environment. In other words, you want it to be cool, dark, and quiet.

    If necessary, you can always use a fan or earplugs to create an environment that works for you. Certain activities such as taking a bath before bedtime can also promote better sleep.

    Aromatherapy can help as well. In fact, studies have shown that certain scents and sprays such as Chamomile or lavender can improve the quality of your sleep. Aromatherapy sleep spray is an effective way to promote restful sleep. Aromatherapy sleep spray is also a great way to help reduce anxiety and stress, which can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

    Keyword: aromatherapy sleep spray

Improving the Quality of Your Sleep 

And there we have it—six ways to achieve higher sleep quality at night. Why not give some of them a try and see what works for you?

Looking for more posts like this? Then make sure to check out the rest of our health and wellbeing section!






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6 Ways to Achieve Higher Sleep Quality at Night

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