Fighting Back: A Starter Guide on Self-Defense for Women

You’re looking for a starter guide on self-defense for women? Start here first.

In the United States, there are more than a million handgun, homicide, rape, robbery, and assault crimes every single year. In fact, 81 percent of women reported experiencing some form of assault of sexual harassment as of 2018.

For women looking for the best resources, check out this starter guide on self-defense for women.

Prioritize Vulnerable Areas

It can be challenging to know the best martial arts for self-defense to use in the moment of an attack. As a general rule of thumb, prioritize the vulnerable areas of your attacker. Try to hit areas such as the:

  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Throat
  • Groin

Avoid hitting areas such as the knees and chest. Don’t hold back on your aggression and force during the hit. Be both physical and vocal with your attacks.

Knowing self-defense techniques is imperative to defend yourself in an emergency. Many women who learn self-defense cite feeling more confident, equipped, and safe during an attack than those who did not.

Try the Hammer Strike

One of the best self-defense tips is to use the hammer strike. Use everyday self-defense products like car keys, and have them dangle from your fist as you walk (especially in poorly lit areas or at night time).

Should someone approach you and threaten you, swing your arm forward like you’re throwing a ball and use the outstretched keys to whip your attacker in the face. You can master this skill and other moves by taking a class of self-defense.

Consider carrying pepper spray and a stun gun as well to give yourself an advantage in the event of an attack.

Establish Boundaries with People 

It’s imperative to establish boundaries with people. The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network  found that 70 percent of sexual violence is actually committed by people we know such as:

  • Friends
  • Family
  • Partners
  • Co-workers

it can be easy to get comfortable around the people you know. Though it can be uncomfortable to address, it’s very important to be socially aware. If someone is doing something to make you feel off, ask yourself why that is.

Always be aware and be confident in your interactions.

Use the Element of Surprise

Many attackers will assume you can’t defend yourself. Remain in a non-confrontational stance until action is necessary. When the aggressor’s guard is down, that is your time to respond.

When possible, flee from the attacker. Try to find a well-lit public space. Contact emergency officials immediately. If possible, seek a public place with lots of people in the area.

Self-Defense for Women

Are you prepared to defend yourself if the situation arises? Be sure to consult this beginner’s guide on self-defense for women to ensure that you’re ready should the situation call for you to fight back.

What are you waiting for? Your self-defense practice starts now.

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Fighting Back: A Starter Guide on Self-Defense for Women

women’s self-defense tips, self defence techniques for women’s, women’s self-defense articles, self defense techniques, self defense weapons for women, women’s self defense products, types of self-defense, self defense classes for women,